Mit MySQL Liedwunsch Website programmieren?
Hi Ich würde gerne mit MySQL eine Liedwunsch Website Bauen. Meine Mutter feiert eine Party und die Gäste sollen sich über die Website Lieder wünschen können. Ich habe einen apache 2 Webserver auf Ubuntu. Ich komme einfach nicht klar mit MySQL. Kann mir irgendjemand helfen? Danke
You need three components:
The idea is:
The whole thing will probably be around the 300 lines code.
You could also replace the database with a simple text document, that would be a little easier. A database is actually overkill for the purpose. Except of course, you want to use a database.
Thank you very much for the text document. But since I am unfortunately new in the topic with the databases and so I have not got it
Does anyone have an idea how to get this in Java Script or do I have to use another language?
Just done with js…
How’s that going?
I did it without but thank you for the many help
You need a backend.
Do I need a baking or is it without?
As I said, JS (JavaScript) is what you need to use for the frontend.
MySQL is just a database that could store songs in Url’s.
With Javascript, you will then build a website that simultaneously stores the data on the MySQL or you will develop a backend that takes over the administration.
The complete implementation of commenting here would blow the frame.
It’s a cool idea. A friend of mine once made something similar in which he worked with the Spotify API and stored via Backend songs in a Spotify playlist, which were played on another device.
The Spotify API would be perfect. I’ll let you know…
If you have any questions, make a decision. 😀
Great thanks
Buy a good book on MySQL. Or ask ChatGPT. Or use Visual Studio Code with MS-Copilot Integration.
PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS should also be able to be halfway.
The whole thing can be easily implemented with something PHP and the idea is also interesting from the point of view of a hobby developer.
But how do you want to allow access? Do you have a web address that goes to this server? Are all guests on the same network? Are you providing a device?
However, I wonder if your mother’s guests are making the effort with the entry rather than just talking to the “DJ”.
I have a mini server at home in my network, which is then only available on the network. However, the guests are all closer known that it would also be no problem to impose a code with the wlan configuration
Well, it’s quite easy. In this case, do not even need to pay attention to the security of your source code.