Mit MS Flugsimulator fliegen lernen?
Kann man mit dem Microsoft Flugsimulator das fliegen lernen, da es in dem Programm ja auch eine Flugschule gibt wo einem die Instrumente und die Steuerung eines Flugzeugs erklärt werden und man auch benotet wird nach seiner Leistung?
kann man sich dann z.b. in das Cockpit einer echten Cessna setzen und von A nach B fliegen?
No, it doesn’t work like that. In order to learn to fly only with the aid of a simulator, it is necessary to have more complicated and sinfully expensive simulators and even these can not completely replace the real fly within the course of the training. A simulator program on the domestic PC is nothing but a toy that can train certain skills such as the spatial imagination, the practice of flying with the help of radio navigation etc. – more but not
I don’t think so. Even if there’s a flight school, it’s more about the game. No simulator can replace the flight instructor. Even traffic pilots practiced it on the plane before it goes to the simulator. There it is more about the model you want to fly not flying itself. If you mean that you can fly a Cessna 172 in MSF and that gets well in reality can then no. A game is different from a simulator where you can put yourself in and turn.
Accepted each button, each switch etc. is functional. Then you could use everything in theory.
I don’t know the flight behavior of the new Flight Simulator. But will not be the same as in a “right simulator” or in real life.
You will be able to start the engine, but if you can fly the flight maneuvers safely, I doubt.
In addition, the whole radio contact comes to which one has to get used to in real life.
Not all buttons and systems work there, but the basics can definitely be learned. When you start with Cessna 152, you’re well served.
There is a flight school, but without annotation and also quite limited. You learn much better with YouTube videos.
So in MS 2020 you will be graded
Notes A, B, C and D where A stands for good to very good and D is inadequate
Oh, I haven’t looked in there for a long time and I don’t know. I think the landing is graded, yes. I still found statements on YouTube more vivid than the flight school. But the most important systems are there as in real life, so control, navigation, fuel management etc.
No, you might be able to fly straight or hold the height, but after that it stops.
Even if you know perfectly how to use everything on the plane, you lack the motor skills. At the end of the landing you will notice.
No. You can’t.
Best regards
Physics in MSFS is very unrealistic. Therefore, you might be able to hold a real plane in the air, but in no case ‘from A to B fly’. You need a more realistic simulator like Xplane. If you can fly in Xplane, you can also fly in real (I speak from experience).
He could fly, but neither start nor land
This is also shown
Have you been flying real after you practiced the simulator?
If you have a few million left, each simulator can be paid. But if you really want to learn to fly, then there is no way to train at a flight school and the practical training in a real plane. None of the aeronautical authorities allow a flight student to carry out practical testing that was not trained on a genuine aircraft.
Is there a affordable simulator where you can learn this?
It is shown, but the motor skills are not learned. I have often taken experienced PC pilots and have them controlled during the flight. In fact, most of them could keep the plane in the air without crashing, keeping the height and the course, but both start and landing would have gone badly if I had not taken over the tax in time.
Short answer: No, but it helps in real flight.
Long answer: You will be able to hold the plane in the air. I am a flight instructor myself and you always notice which students have already played at the simulator. For this, the control is clearer. In the first few lessons you will have an advantage. But I’m so sorry about teaching and training for pilots you won’t come around.