Mit Motorrad an Radfahrer vorbeifahren?
mache aktuell meinen Führerschein & hab mich heute gefragt, wie ich vorgehen muss wenn auf meiner Fahrbahn Radfahrer bzw. Fußgänger sind.
reicht es, wenn ich relativ in der Straßenmitte an denen vorbeifahr, oder muss ich über die mittlere Fahrbahnmarkierung quasi auf die Straßenseite vom Gegenverkehr? Damit ich genug Seitenabstand zu den Radfahrern hab?
und wie ist es, wenn ich bsw. in der Praxisprüfung dass genau diese Situation habe, aber viel Gegenverkehr ist. Fahr ich dann einfach ganz langsam hinter den Radfahrern hinterher, bis ich überholen kann, oder kann ich ohne die Fahrbahnmakierung zu überfahren an denen vorbeifahren? Und wie kommt dann das Auto mit Lehrer+ Prüfer hinterher?😅
During the overtaking of cyclists it is necessary to keep a side distance of 1.5m and 2m outside.
If your track is wide enough that you can hold it without changing the track, that’s nice. And if the track isn’t so wide, you’ll have to change the track for overtaking.
Calculative: Such a lane is about 3 m wide. A cyclist takes about 50 cm (can also be 80 cm!). So you have to be at least 200 cm away from the edge of the road with the right outside mirror inside. If you don’t want to get to the mating runway, you’ll still be 100 cm on the road. And on the outskirts, you will have to stay at least 250 cm away from the edge of the road and you will only stay 50 cm track width if you don’t want to get to the mating lane. In both cases, it has not yet been considered whether the cyclist still keeps a distance from the roadside (which he, for example, even must:if, for example, cars are parked there, so that a driver could tear his door open at any time).
Speak: it may be up in the inner place, but in any case you have to expect that you will also have to use the motorcycle on the counterway for a legal overhaul process. Where it may go with a very wide lane.
With regard to the situation in the exam, you can just ask your instructor beforehand. However, I have already seen 2-3 times in road traffic that the rider then overtakes the motorcycle, but then again took out the speed and waited for his driving school car. In case of an emergency, there is the instruction “beautiful overtaking maneuver, take the next opportunity to the right”.
It depends on how wide the road is and whether you can maintain the side distance
In my opinion, it is important to note how broad the road is. If she offers 2 lanes in normal width, it’s, I think, okay if you keep normal distance while overtaking.
Otherwise, I’d go to the opposite side so that you don’t get too close to the pedal rides.
Best regards