Mit Moped oft geblitzt?

Ich fahre seit ca 4 Monaten mit einem Moped Auf der Straße auf der ich jeden Tag fahre stehen zwei Radar. Das habe ich erst heute mitbekommen und bin aber sicher schon mehrmals zu schnell gefahren.:( Was kann passieren wenn man so oft geblitzt wird? Danke für jede Antwort!!

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8 years ago

This will be expensive.. And if you have exaggerated it, the question is whether you are even suitable for driving a vehicle and for participation in road traffic. You keep paying attention to the StVo in general, then you do not have such problems.

8 years ago

There may be doubts as to whether you are suitable to participate in public transport. That means in good German, “MPU” or “Idiotetest”.

I think you’re not in the trial period?

That’s the dimensioning room of your specialist.

If you land too often there, it can arrange an investigation.

You better stop at the pace if you want to have fun on your FS. Otherwise it becomes expensive :/

8 years ago

What can happen if you get flashed so often?

Then you will be rejuvenated from your own to the pedestrian, cyclist or Öffi user. You bear the costs.

8 years ago
Reply to  Everklever

xD retraining to the pedestrian.

8 years ago

I guess there’ll be a lot of things coming to you. Construction seminar, trial time extension, fine, points.

8 years ago

Do you have the number plate of your moped on the forehead? It will be flashed from the front so that the driver is aware of the picture. Besides, you would have noticed if it had flashed. You don’t overlook that. That’s why I assume that the flash system didn’t trigger you at all. But if you’re such an inattentive driver who doesn’t come along on a road he’s constantly driving, that there are two flashes… Seufz. Well, now I’ve seen your nickname, psycho. All right.

8 years ago

I don’t think it’s bad because you don’t have a numbertaferl in front!

8 years ago

There’s a lot to you.

Also will be doubtful if you are suitable to lead a vehicle.

8 years ago

You’ll have to pay a lot.