Mit minerall oder Magnesiummangel OP antreten.?
Moin ich habe Montag eine OP wegen meiner Harnleiterschiene und einem Nierenstein die raus geholt werden. Nun habe ich seit 2-3 Tagen ein Zucken im rechten Oberarm und denke das es Magnesium oder Mineralmangel ist. Darf ich so aber eine OP antreten.?
I don’t think it’s an exclusion criterion. It would be different, for example, if the immune system had been knocked on, but an OP is not blown off in the case of a biting in the arm.
Okey many love thanks. I’m curious. I’ve got a little frog in my neck, but nothing else except that lick.
It could also simply be nervousness and excitement before that, this ticking and feeling in the neck. You don’t have this surgery every day. The surgeons already. It is a standard intervention, there will certainly be nothing wrong. I wish you a lot of strength!
Would that just appeal to the treating doctors – they then decide.
Maybe it’s just because you might be a little nervous before the surgery.
I think you will still operate, but talk to your attending doctor