Mit L17 Führerschein begleitet in Niederlande fahren?
Hallo bin Österreicher, bin 17 und habe bereits meinen Führerschein gemacht. Ich fahre mit meinem Vater, mit dem ich auch die 3000 Kilometer gefahren bin in die Niederlande und wollte fragen ob ich mit ihm als Beifahrer das überhaupt darf. (bin noch 17, werd in 4 monaten 18)
You can drive in Germany. In the Netherlands no longer. They don’t recognize him. So you should exchange the place at the German / Dutch border.
Here are the regulations for B(E)F17:
I’m sure it’s similar to you. clubs like the ADAC that have similar websites. Since NL is not a neighbouring country of A, I think that is unlikely.
L17 is completely different
There are, in principle, not recognized in foreign countries any “settles” that govern you at national level. Only if there are agreements, such as between D and AT with regard to driving with 17.
The Dutch policeman will in doubt want to see an EU card driver’s license from you. Either you have this one and you can drive, no matter who else is in the car, or you don’t have one and you can’t drive.
However, he must not drive it in NL
Is there a full EU card licence issued in Austria directly as L17er?
L17 Is actually completely different from BF17 with you. With us the L17 training begins with 15.5 and ends with 17 with the practical examination. Once you have the practical exam (only from 17) you get the normal EU guide.
The only difference before the 18th birthday is not recognized everywhere. From 18 he is automatically recognized everywhere because the normal driving licence is.
This must be checked for foreign countries. Not everywhere is the license recognized. The Netherlands does not recognise this licence.
Didn’t you want to go to Canada and there w&t and have some other peculiar questions left here?
So slowly you should be aware of what you are, who you are and what is your concern at all. Are you bored or what’s wrong with you?
Ansosnten You only give us our time and we do not need any employment therapy from a incognito.
don’t understand what your problem is. do not answer