Mit Kunden über den Preis verhandeln ( Bio Fleisch )?
Aus Markt Sicht hätte es schon Sinn gemacht. Folgende Situation :
Das Bio Hähnchenfleisch war dem Kunden deutlich zu teuer, es hätte für 2 mittelgroße Portionen fast 30€ gekostet.
Da aber aufgrund unserer tollen Gesetze in DE ja die Kühlkette sage und schreibe 5 Minuten unterbrochen wurde, müssen die Lebensmittel ja sofort entsorgt werden, statt sie einfach zurück in den Kühlschrank zu stellen.
Jetzt hat der Kunde gesagt, für ( jeweils ) den halben Preis nimmt er sie mit, sonst nicht. Die Kassiererin hat das aber abgelehnt und stattdessen das Hähnchen eben entsorgt. Obwohl der Preis klar auf der Verpackung stand, wurde ihm gesagt, doch der Kunde hat gesagt, den Preis hat er vorher nicht gewusst.
Wie unlogisch ? Lieber wegschmeißen als für den halben Preis verkaufen, absolut logisch.
Was von Kunden zurückgelassen wird, wird später eingeräumt und zurückgelegt am gleichen Abend wieder, außer wenn was abgelaufen oder schlecht ist, aber was kühlpflichtig ist muss laut Gesetz sowieso sofort entsorgt werden, wenn die Kühlkette 2 Minuten unterbrochen wurde.
Rest of food is never thrown away anywhere, mostly have contact with the FOODSCHERiNG, do you hear that? in almost any city .Bin member of Foodschering.DU are not in Turkish Bazaar. 🙂
not for refrigerated goods. It’ll be disposed of.
Others also go to the table but also only what is completely 100% clean.
Also the refrigerated goods are collected according to MHD with cooling box and bags,cooled bags,which are immediately distributed,because the website,you can see everything,and rules etc.
NOT TAFEL always,FOODSCHERING collects everything that have agreed in writing
It would be nice if all companies would support the boards or foodsharing and nothing would be thrown away. Unfortunately, this does not correspond to reality.
I thank you very much for the Yellow Star,nett of you…Every good to each other with other good question :))
Supermarkets insist on their fixed prices. The sellers have no time and power to go down with the price.
This can sometimes take absurd moves. Last night I wanted to buy lobe bars – already packed and on the shelf “3 at the price of 2”. Unfortunately, this was not the case and the seller could not grant me the discount. I left the product there.
But otherwise I find it disrespectful from the buyer to deal with merchandise. At the moment he interrupts the cooling chain, he should also buy the product. Prices are usually everywhere.
Should all customers do this in the future? Just take what from the (low) cooling, discuss few minutes and then get it cheaper? The system supermarket is not designed for this. You might try that with a little dealer. A supermarket is not a place where you negotiate the price, especially since the sellers and sellers are not authorized to grant a discount.
rather than give a discount that is the motto.
I’d show him… but probably the markets have too little staff.
Obligation to purchase
Action is not illegal You can go to the marker beforehand and laugh. Due kassierin has no influence on prices.
Or you have a good argument .. needs 20 packs for the party…
Bio is only money from which nothing can be done xD
is not about it but about the situation that it is rather thrown away than selling it to the customer for half.
Why should they go
Supermarkets must stick to rules. This is Germany. And no Turkish basar. And everything will be thrown away. I need to see what’s going on in the mulled tones
but if it is thrown away than sold for less?
Never mind. When you start with so nem nonsense, everyone
because the cooling chain has to be interrupted, even if only 2 minutes.
Stories from the Paulanergarten…
the cashier clearly has no power to discuss anything. otherwise the entire shopping for the friends and family costs only 30%.