Sleeping on your side with a corset?

Hey, I've been wearing a scoliosis brace for almost two weeks. My spine is strongly curved to the left, which is why my left side is my weakest spot. As I said, I got a scoliosis brace just for the night to get used to it. However, I'm a side sleeper. I tried sleeping on my back for the first few days, but I barely got any sleep that way. That's why I always sleep with the brace turned to my right.

(so that the left side isn't stressed). Is that bad or does it make no difference at all?

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1 month ago

no matter jain, it depends on your matraze if it fits well on you and the weight should be hibgar.

The corset should also be stable enough.

Now I’m just wondering if it doesn’t make sense to sleep on the left because you have a little muscle load automartically.

But if it hurts again, it would be stupid.

1 month ago
Reply to  Pia769

achja then do better day exercises and just stay right first.

1 month ago

Good feelings first, on the back will not be so pleasant.To the right side turn and sleep would help you well if that is so.Hoffe is very good for you soon.Lg

1 month ago
Reply to  malteser55

Okay, look good at you and happy christmas.

1 month ago
Reply to  malteser55

Merry Christmas?