Mit klappernden Ventilen fahren?
Hallo zusammen
Ich habe einen BMW e28 528i aus dem Jahre 1983. Am Donnerstag habe ich einen Termin um die Ventile einzustellen, da sie klappern. Denkt ihr, dass ich bis dahin noch fahren kann oder sollte ich das Auto lieber stehen lassen? Anbei findet ihr ein Video.
Do you have any symptoms apart from the noises, for example those mentioned in the picture?
The only thing that could still happen would be the bad start (but only occasionally with cold engine)
And that only since the valves were set?
Could perhaps also be a run-in camshaft, which is probably also a common problem with the models.
I don’t know the engine. Maybe this would have to be noticed at the valve.
No, it’s been a long time
Hey 🙂✨!
Depends on this, will the rattling be better with a warm engine?
If so, I would do it, otherwise leave it. After all, if I have no thinking error, the valves and all the stuff (tilting levers, springs, etc.) will trigger a fatal chain reaction. It would be a pity for the beautiful 5.
Greetings, Christoph 🖖
In my opinion, it is more like that the rattle is better to hear with warm motor