Mit Kindern in die Sauna Ok?
An alle, die gerne Saunieren. Nehmt ihr eure Kinder mit oder ist es für die kleinen noch nicht so gut, wenn sie der Hitze ausgesetzt sind?
An alle, die gerne Saunieren. Nehmt ihr eure Kinder mit oder ist es für die kleinen noch nicht so gut, wenn sie der Hitze ausgesetzt sind?
Hallo, Also ich gehe heute um 17 uhr ins messe pforzheim und ja ich will halt unbedingt in ein achterbahn gehen aber habe angst weil es sehr schnell runter fährt und sich dreht Wie kann ich die angst überwinden jeder meiner klasse geht da rein und möchte auch hab aber angst Tipps?
Hallöchen, Ich fahre morgen in den schönen Phantasialand, und ich habe ein paar gedenken wegen meinem Übergewicht…ich bin 179 cm Groß und 145kg schwer. Letztes jahr habe ich 180 kg gewogen deswegen kam mir ein Freizeitpark nicht in den sinn. Aber jetzt wollte ich es mal ausprobieren und mich drüber Informieren auf was für Fahrgeschäfte…
was zu Weihnachten alleine unternehmen?
Hey, Macht es beim abnehmen einen bemerkbaren Unterschied wenn man auf der Arbeit in einer geschlossenen Halle für ne Stunde spaziert im Vergleich zu draußen bei gutem Wetter? Das eine ist innen, das andere außen oder macht es quasi null aus?
Hallo Leute, ich habe von meiner Familie mitgeteilt bekommen, dass wir ausziehen, wo ich halt so sehr darauf gehofft habe, dass wir die Wohnung nicht bekommen. Es gibt sehr viele Gründe warum ich dies nicht will. In meiner Nähe wohnt eine Freundin und da passt es das man sich auch eif spontan für ein Spaziergang…
There are often special family sauna days. There.
a) the audience accordingly and it may also be louder and b) the temperatures more moderate and more acceptable for the small ones.
As long as the children are healthy, sourcing is also very healthy for children.
Oh, yes! Even for pregnant women, the sauna is recommended!
Children from 1 year onwards can determine the sauna and the parents and see how good they are. Older Kiddies often fail at the minimum age of 16 years, which some sauna facilities have simply set up to protect their relaxation areas from noise. You always go out of dead children…
For this, there are special family days where the “repealed” becomes with the minimum age, mostly in urban saunas.
But there are also small plants like my trunk sauna, where I have already seen one or other children. Rare! but they are tolerated as long as they remain “quite”. Dude was 7-8 years old.
My daughters were also in the sauna with 9-12 years until the puberty taught the shame, then it was over until today… 🙂
So with children in the sauna FREE first YES!
But observe the conditions of the sauna facilities, depending on which facility / spa / etc.
I wish great success!
LGtom sauna (
This depends on the education as the children grew up. Can I imagine that children who have never seen their own parents without being happy in the sauna.
Yeah, that could be! These are those who later write in the forum “I cannot bear the sight of naked people”. Education failed… 🙂
Depends on the age. If it buperted, I wouldn’t take if he wanted or not because that would be too embarrassing to me and him. As a very small child it is in. I sometimes feel naked on the beach as a very small child.
When I was smaller, I was allowed to go to the sauna. It was never a problem for me to stop the rest. Of course you weren’t super long inside, but it was always nice
Cool how old were you there?
Can’t say it so accurately, think the first time I was six. I was at DLRG and then always in the sauna with my mom.
might have been before
Safely clear, even in Finland, the kids will of course go to the sauna. when they get hot, they’re not gonna worry. Our boys always go with us. They’d complain if they weren’t supposed to.
How old are they?
10 and 12
Cool that the ones at the age have lust
Children have a more stable cardiovascular system than adults if they are not pre-disposed. Lies don’t hurt the heat and they realize when they have enough. If they don’t feel comfortable, they say they want to get out.
It’s OK, but… the kids don’t want it!
1: Too warm/hot!
2: Too boring!
3: Mobile phones/games are not allowed … see point 2!
No children.
I wouldn’t take any.
Sauns are often (not always) places where the lice expect quiet and rest, which is frustrating for kids if they are to sit over hours style.
Even if the kiddis have tolerated the heat they don’t have fun sweating. How good they can handle it is probably on the child.
Sauns are often (not always) non-wearing. To mix Kiddis clothes-free among foreign adult I do not consider a good idea in today’s time. Saunen should be free camera, but who knows that with certainty.
We took our kids to the sauna for about 4 years. If they didn’t have a bock, they just left the sauna.
Today they are big sauna fans. Our youngest(22) goes to the sauna at least once a week.
There’s nothing against children in the sauna.
You shouldn’t force anything or talk. And if the little one tries to play the hero and be in the infusion, you have to be careful.
Children don’t want to be excluded, and if she gets taken after a minute, you go out. But then it’s not taboo and okay if the parents are gone for 10 minutes. Larger children, as from 8-10 years I have also experienced those who have worked as an auxiliary-groom. If the dad does the infusion, it’s okay.
Our Torben-Kevin keeps it loose with its 152 cm; also 90 degrees are not a problem.
Sönke-Willem, Philantrop, 89
Okay, how old is he?
We have the usual distance of 24 years; he is only a few months old.