Mit Inkasso eine Ratenzahlung vereinbaren?

Wegen Krankheit Job verloren jetzt droht Insolvenz. Im April fängt meine berufliche Reha an da bekomme ich Geld. Jetzt ist das ganze noch nicht bei der Inkasso. Vielleicht machen die hoffentlich Raten. Wieviel Gebühren würden die drauf schlagen? Es geht um. 6000 Euro Schulden.

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2 years ago

Absolutely never, you should make money arrangements with a debt collection agency!

Don’t you have any sickness or pension? Didn’t you ask for anything? No private BU?

How much fees would they pay? It’s about 6000 euros debt.

For a creditor or for several?

There are numerous fee calculators that can also calculate agreement fees based on the main claim and inform you. Therefore, once again the urgent request: do not agree with the debt collection office installments.

By the way: If your situation was known to the creditor, it may be illegal to attempt a debt collection office at all against the background of the creditor’s liability for damages.

2 years ago

It’s not yet in debt collection. Then act fast. Go to the bank and try to find an agreement in the firststepp. For example, there is the possibility to extend the duration and thus press your monthly burden. Why wait until everything goes to the wall? Share that you are willing to pay and of course the amount you can pay.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chrissi0308

I believe it fails with the creditor, so the questioner hopes that the debt collection will be distributed in rates. So I read the whole thing out

2 years ago

How much fees would they pay? It’s about 6000 euros debt.

At 6000 € debt, in addition to 371 – 527 € debt collection fees would be €273 for the installment (0.7 fee) above. The amount of the collection fee depends on whether the collection requires a fee of 0.9 or 1.3.

However, a rate payment does not have to make a debt collection and is a voluntary thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Comp4ny

However, a rate payment does not have to make a debt collection and is a voluntary thing.

True, they only like to do the libend, because an agreement fee will be due. Woe then the debtor misses a payment date for one day, the verdict has already been announced. But you can quickly settle for a new rate payment, because a new fee will be charged again.

2 years ago

Now it’s not at the collection.

Maybe you can still negotiate with the creditor?

In the case of debts of €6,000, I don’t think you should enter debt collection services anymore. Not alone.

You should contact a public debt counselor if necessary.

That would be my recommendation.

2 years ago

Contact and describe the situation. They will certainly, if a reasonable proposal comes, forward it. A persisting if a bankruptcy threatens to raise for you only the risk of a total loss that, if I read the right out, would hardly come out any more, as there is a prudent upper limit – as creditors prefer to act according to the motto the sparrow in the hand rather than the pigeon on the roof… It is important, however, that you become active yourself and not letting you continue the dunning process because this will certainly drive the cost high…

2 years ago

Put your head in the stand and wait is always the wrong way. This makes everything even worse and I speak out of experience my mother was at that time unfortunately exactly like 100K€ schools.

Adjustable a rate payment that must also be paid punctually. That was what I did after my mother died with my bank / creditors

2 years ago

Yes, most of the debt collection sites can be paid for instalments and have fixed fees. Go to them, this is better than waiting for mail

2 years ago

This is certainly not “better”.

2 years ago
Reply to  DasOrakel

As the questioner has obviously already received demands, better not wait for a reminder