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6 years ago

If the S train becomes from the DB operations, this is possible as long as the S train is a subway on the way to your destination. A further journey within the city area with the ÖPNV is unfortunately not possible with the Super Sparpreis.

6 years ago

Your ticket is valid not only from Stuttgart Hbf station, but also from the following stations: Fellbach, Korntal, Neuwirtshaus (Porscheplatz), Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Stuttgart Ebitzweg, Stuttgart-Feuerbach, Stuttgart Feuersee, Stuttgart-Münster, Stuttgart Neckarpark, Stuttgart Nord, Stuttgart-Obertürkheim, Stuttgart-Österfeld, Stuttgart-Rosterfeld

And it applies not only to Baden-Baden, but also to Baden-Baden Haueneberstein, Baden-Baden Rebland, Sinzheim and Sinzheim Nord.

You can read this here:

But note: The ticket is valid only for the railway (including the S-Bahn), but not for buses and also not for the SSB city railways.

6 years ago

Then there would be an additive +city. So you have to buy an extra ticket for the S-Bahn.

6 years ago
Reply to  Koernchen79


6 years ago

So I don’t know exactly what it looks like in Stuttgart, because it’s not a clear destination station.

For example, in Dresden it is so when no special railway station is called, the ticket is valid in the S-Bahn and in the regional traffic up to any railway station that begins with Dresden …. Only for bus, tram and ferry you need the addition: City

6 years ago

No, because you don’t have a city ticket, believe only when booking with BahnCard. This would also apply only in the inner zones in Stuttgart

6 years ago
Reply to  EpicSteak

Whether you have a city ticket doesn’t depend on whether you have a railway card. But there’s no city ticket at the super-spar price. But don’t matter, the ticket is still valid for the S-Bahn (see my detailed answer).

6 years ago

Not after that ticket.

otherwise would stand there

Stuttgart –> Baden-Baden +City offer/cityticket.shtml

6 years ago
Reply to  PeterSchu

The answer is wrong. Even if there is no city ticket, several stations in Stuttgart and Baden-Baden are identical, which can be used selectively.

6 years ago
Reply to  RobertWeemeyer

Okay, thanks for the hint. However, the average passenger does not know this and can hardly come up with it.

6 years ago

That’s why the average passenger is asking here.