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Depends on what you’re thinking and where you’re going to do it.
I’m also driving a lot with the scooter and the dogs. However, without an electric motor, with one or two dog strengths on the front, also called dogscooting.
In freewheeling, if the dog has sufficient obedience and the area there is that you really do not need leash it is probably also good. Personally, however, I’d like to know it’s kind of sweaty.
But as soon as you somehow have to take a leash in your hand, forget it. To wipe out the dirt on the scooter is already marginal because you simply don’t have the same balance as on a wheel and pushing is also not always very tingling with leash in your hand.
In addition, the eScooters I know are not ground-breaking. For the dog is running on asphalt but not good and there where paths are asphalted tends to be not the right place to flick with the free-running dog again.
So ne’Train You’re going to the upper body where babies come in.. instead of baby your dog.. Think that’s bad.. Except your dog can walk freely next to you
Baby carrier with a Dobermann??
War irony.
E Scooter are considered a car? Then it is forbidden to carry animals when driving scooters. Reading under paragraph 28 StVO
Should he be transported on your back?
On the topic:
from my point of view: finger away. The typical scooters can hardly be safely moved by hand, and the chassis geometry is simply not designed. And if, then the typical tyres in the Playmobil format are only suitable for worse ways.
From BMW there is one with big tires:
However, the price is in higher regions, but looks quite stable and has an attractive tyre size. 16 inch tires are what I have on my scooter too.
Why not bike or pedelec?
Pull back on a skatboard or buy 2 escooter with matching handlebar.