Vomiting with hormone rods in your arm?
Hey, is it bad if you vomit while taking hormone implants? Does it lose its effectiveness or something?
Hey, is it bad if you vomit while taking hormone implants? Does it lose its effectiveness or something?
I took the pill and he pulled out (no condom)… How likely is it to still be pregnant?
Hello, I have the following question: I take the pill Maexeni 20 and it is always said that you should take the pill correctly so that it leads to reliable protection, even during withdrawal bleeding. So I wanted to ask what actually counts as taking the pill correctly? Am I still taking my pill correctly…
Hello! I took my pill on Thursday evening before the break. However, I had to take two pills due to stomach problems. Today is Monday, but my period still hasn't arrived. Could it be that my period is delayed because I took two pills?
Hi dear ones, Well, I'm really, really scared of the gynecologist. It's actually more a feeling of shame and not being understood. I'm 18 and have never been there before. But I really need to go because I only got my first period when I was 16/17 and after that there was a break, then…
Is the pill safe for you in the summer too? Because of the temperatures? I always take them correctly and the condom too
I've heard that an early pregnancy test can be inaccurate if used too early. Conception should have happened about 1.5 to 2 weeks ago. The problem if it's inaccurate is that it's more likely to be negative instead of positive if you're pregnant, right? Or could it also be falsely positive? I just want to…
Sniff it out.
Does your stomach have an exit at the arm?
Did not know that GF can reach this level.
There are stupid questions, I’m sorry
Breaking does not affect the effectiveness of an implanon.
Incidentally also in the package insert
No, you don’t care.