Mit Girokarte unter 18 im Internet bestellen?
Hallo, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und habe seit einem Jahr ca. eine Girokarte. Bis jetzt habe ich sie nur im Geschäft direkt benutzt aber noch nie online bestellt. Jetzt zu meiner Frage: könnte ich theoretisch mit meiner Girokarte online bezahlen? Brauche ich dafür dieses Giropay (Bild) ?
With a pure Girocard you cannot pay online in general. For this, you need at least one Visa Debit, Mastercard Debit or a Girocard that has integrated one of the two as an additional payment system.
With Giropay you can pay online, but that has nothing to do with card payment. Whether you can use it with 16 you need to ask or try your bank/sparkasses.
The Girocard is not suitable for online payments. She has nothing to do with the Giropay procedure.
Almost all online shops are basically only from 18J allowed – no matter what is ordered and no matter what card you have.
Amazon, eBay, Zalando, Vinted, Shein,… and almost all other online providers: All from 18J.
And also the usual payment service providers PayPal, Klarna are basically only from 18J allowed.
Apart from that, you cannot pay online with a GiroCard.
But as I said, the decisive criterion is age anyway.
Minors must ask their parents to order for them.