Mit Fotografie hobbymäßig Geld verdienen?
Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es mit Fotografie als Hobby, sich ein Nebeneinkommen aufzubauen?
Ich bedanke mich für jede Antwort im voraus.
Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es mit Fotografie als Hobby, sich ein Nebeneinkommen aufzubauen?
Ich bedanke mich für jede Antwort im voraus.
Ich brauche mal dringend Hilfe! Ich habe gestern und heute Zahlungen über Paypal erhalten, die zwar in meinen Aktivitäten zu finden sind, aber nicht in meinem Guthaben. Alle Zahlungen wurden über die Freunde und Familie Option gesendet. Wo ist mein Geld? Mir fehlen seit der letzten Abbuchung vor 2 Tagen somit über 300€.
meine Instax Mini 9 leuchtet trotz das sie aus ist nur noch orange und der Film der am Anfang rauskommt steckt fest,ich habe einen neuen Film rein gemacht und jetzt steckt der Film halb drinne fesr
Muss man Kindergeld und zusätzlich vom jobcenter fürs kind geld bekommen? Zur zeit. Bekomme ich 150 € Elterngeld , 266 € grundsicherung und Kindergeld für mich wegen Psycherbeinträchtigung. Davon 205 miete zahlen. Mein Mann 388 € von der Agentur der Arbeit. Das ist zu wenig? Andauernd erzählt das jobcenter wir bekämen eine Nachzahlung. Bis jetzt…
Suche eine Kamera App für Xiaomi die eine gute KI hat wie die Samsung Handys. Hatte ein S20 und die Bilder wurden durch die KI so viel besser gemacht und die KI von Xiaomi ist nicht so gut.
I’ve been photographing for 40 years. First, with a simple analog mirror reflex from Canon to then switch soäter to the Canon 50E. I still have them today because I don’t sell them for 10€.
From 2000 I moved to digital cameras. My first was a comic Kodak with 3MP. It was very good at his time. I then later moved to the Panasonic Lumix LX2 with 10MP and then later to the Canon EOS 350D. Better cameras then.
Basically, I always took pictures at events. But never thought of what to ask for because I have never learned to photograph professionally. Also, I have already taken 2 or 3 weddings and since 2009 I have photographed volunteer handball games from our club in the place.
If you do not ask for any money, the claim is very low. However, I should ask for money for professional photos and I cannot deliver this despite my experience, even though I now have professional cameras. That’s why I’ll never ask for money.
no one. Because you can’t do that as a hobby.
To do this, you have to make yourself self-employed and thus also fulfill all the corresponding duties, etc., such as accounting and the annual accounts, and then of course the tax enrollment or you have to pay a tax advisor for it (which is not cheap I can tell you from my own experience), then of course there are insurances, especially social insurance and possibly. Amounts to the Chamber of Crafts etc. Then, of course, you have to be able to deliver” just a little bit on it is not enough.
You have to be able to deliver good quality and if you photograph jobs, for example, you also need proper technology, double and with enough reserve, because of course you can’t just stop in the middle of the job when the camera (or an objective) strikes or you start out the batteries or memory cards etc.
Then, of course, you have to have customers and they are becoming less and more problematic…
And any kind of stuff like “sell pictures” which is often asked here you can completely forget, for that you are good 15 years too late and that you would have to be able to produce very very good material for very little money and very very very much very much very much so that with the masses of highly professionally working competitors from very much cheaper regions of the world, in Asia, South America, Eastern Europe etc. you could have
That depends on how good you can photograph.
You have to be able to do this at least semi-professional.
Then you can earn some good euros on weddings, births or parties.
It was once a popular trick (can meanwhile, the memory of people is short, working again), photographing coins and putting the pictures online.
Then search for who abuses the images for his own sales offers and collect royalties.
I was in the 80s amateur photographer and I occasionally earned some DM – but I didn’t get tired of it.
Today everyone has a mobile phone that makes usable photos, the air is already very thin.
You would have to be extremely talented and have an eye for the special motive and you absolutely need a high-resolution HDR camera.
High-resolution HDR camera 😀 😀
If you want to earn money (profit-making intention), then it is no hobby anymore, but makes a business necessary