mit Fotografie Geld verdienen?

Hello Zusammen,

Ich habe eine wahrscheinlich blöde Frage. Und zwar habe ich ein bisschen mit Fotografie angefangen.

Ich Persönlich finde meine Bilder erstaunlich gut dafür das ich erst angefangen habe.

gibt es Theoretisch die Möglichkeit diese Bilder zu Verkaufen?

Ein Beispiel von der Art Bilder von mir

Ich meine noch werde ich keine Abnehmer finden. Aber mit ein bisschen mehr Übung und Expertise?

Wenn ja, welche Möglichkeit gibt es da? und habt ihr vielleicht eigene Erfahrungen damit?

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1 year ago

mit Fotografie Geld verdienen?

gibt es Theoretisch die Möglichkeit diese Bilder zu Verkaufen?

Generell sind Stockfotobörsen eine Möglichkeit:

Und zwar habe ich ein bisschen mit Fotografie angefangen.

Ich Persönlich finde meine Bilder erstaunlich gut dafür das ich erst angefangen habe.

Oha. Entscheidend ist nicht, ob Du Deine Bilder gut findest.

Und es ist auch nicht entscheidend ob Deine Freunde und Verwandten Deine Bilder gut finden.

Zunächst müssen Deine Bilder von den Moderatoren der Stockfotobörse als gut wahrgenommen werden, denn sonst werden sie nicht angenommen.

Und dann müssen Deine Bilder von den Kunden der Stockfotobörse als gut wahrgenommen werden, denn sonst werden sie nicht gekauft.

Das heisst nicht, dass man als Anfänger zu 100% Müll produziert. Es kann auch mal passieren dass man als Anfänger ein passables Foto macht.

Dieses Bild stammt von einer Reise, für die ich überhaupt mit dem Fotografieren angefangen habe – es wurde von Shutterstock angenommen und auch 1x gekauft.

Aber Profis haben natürlich eine bessere “Trefferquote”, also weniger misslungene Bilder…

Ich meine noch werde ich keine Abnehmer finden. Aber mit ein bisschen mehr Übung und Expertise?

Wenn Du es über Stockfotobörsen versuchst, regelt sich das von selber.

Wie gesagt, auch als Anfänger hat man vielleicht doch ein paar wenige Bilder die man einreichen kann, ein paar wenige davon werden angenommen und ein paar wenige davon werden gekauft.

Also ein Bisschen was geht vielleicht schon.

Aber wenig.

Wenn Deine fotografischen Fähigkeiten besser werden steigt Deine “Trefferquote” – dann hast Du mehr gute Bilder die Du einreichen kannst und die haben dann auch bessere Chancen angenommen und vielleicht auch gekauft zu werden.

Aber reich wirst Du dann auch nicht davon.

Jedenfalls kannst Du Dir nicht von Stockfoto-Einnahmen den tollen Ferrari kaufen, den Du schon immer haben wolltest.

Oder doch – als Modellauto 🙂

Wenn ja, welche Möglichkeit gibt es da? und habt ihr vielleicht eigene Erfahrungen damit?

Siehe den Link oben zu Stockfotobörsen…

1 year ago

well, theoretically you can (!!) Offer images at agencies and sell licenses there…
Practically, however, the market has been saturated for years and the quality of the competition has long been immensely high… With “a bit started with photography” you can’t even get close to the area to sell pictures for reasonable money.

In addition, the market pressure among suppliers over all the years has been so immense that they have all met with the most cheap offers on the contrary, so that today pictures are partly concealed for 25 cents or even less! And even if a picture once more costs you as a photographer only do not get a small share (usually, depending on the request, about 20 to 50% or any flat-rate cent amounts), but even if I write “more” we are still there at reasonable prices of a few euros. The times that pictures were sold for a few hundred or even a thousand euros have long been over. Today, the Geiz governs and many anyway don’t pay anything for pictures at all, but use them legally or illegally at “free” sources..

The next step will be that there are no real images to be sold at all, but every customer gets a picture generated by an AI delivered exactly according to his description, because the companies then no longer have to print to photographers, but keep the total profit for themselves only, that is much better for them and that is also being pushed extremely

What would you want to do for pictures? The tree on the WIese? the cat in the garden? With such pictures you have not come far for years, as a rule something is no longer accepted, and does not sell at all, simply profane and already present millions. So you have to be extreme high quality Make images, with concept and usually with models, for example. So without having to do a certain effort and spending money on your own to make the pictures at all, it won’t be. And you have the next problem: here in Central Europe the costs are quite high and for yourself it must be worth it… That’s why you have a much worse starting position as all the others, your “competitors” that can produce much cheaper, because in many countries the wage level is much lower and people get out and are satisfied with much less money. If you push a pretty girl in South America or Eastern Europe for a few pictures 10 or 20€ for a whole day and send some of the pictures you have good chances that she is happy here you can be happy if you find one that makes it for 300€ a day! And in a country where an average wage is extremely low, the fatal income from photo sales is actually good money!

That’s why there are so many from cheap(st) countries that flood the providers with huge quantities of images. Quantities in which the few pictures of you just go underground…

This is just not worth it anymore. It’s been a long time now!

So that you get an impression… such images in about, of style and quality you should be able to deliver, in larger masses, so best at least 100 pictures per week, to be able to tear something halfway.

If you consider that some photographers (or companies) have been active for 15 years or longer and some hundreds of thousands of pictures have been uploaded to the providers, it should be clear that you need a larger mass to be noticed.

1 year ago

Of course, you can earn money with photography — or even not.

It’s like making music.

A handful of artists around the world gets million containers for ihtre performances.

Most musicians struggle laboriously from commitment to commitment.


Even when photographing, few of the professional photographers sell their picture books at prices, of which they can live well.

Most photographers fight for their economic survival. Because there are a lot of amatueures who do very good pictures at times and do not have to live of it, so always undercutting the price expectations of the professionals.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marco892

pocket money should be possible.

Even where the competition is great. Most hobby photographers only take pictures for fun and are also happy to publish their pictures free of charge.

1 year ago

Right answer: theoretically it is possible to earn money with photographing.

1 year ago

Photography is a craft. This can be learned within certain limits, like a sport or drawing. This means first that one visits courses in which image composition and handling of focal length, aperture and time are taught. A good photo differs from the “legenheitsknips” among others by showing no (less) unintentional. So learn to watch what you do NOT want to show. Only rarely are “photobombs” in retrospect. Record the image so that you will not need any post-processing. Good pictures (series) tell stories, even without subtitles.

You move in a market where ALL that trigger their “nipse” are soldering to make “great money”. Get better than the others!

1 year ago

Well, if you’re busting, it’s not impossible for you to earn money sometime. However, photographer is a training profession and the competition is high and as in all creative professions it is difficult to earn money.

The fact that you find your photos well, honestly, don’t mean anything, let professionals judge it and then keep looking.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marco892

Those who earn an above-average amount of money are the professionals

1 year ago

Self overestimation is a typical beginner error.

Just because your friends or your parents once said that your pictures are beautiful, that doesn’t mean anyone wants to buy.

Small tip: Marketing departments do not search for photos that are reingeknipst in the forest, or photos of your pet or sunset/wooden. Something like sand by the sea. For selling photos, you have to deliver something more precise.

Look around here if you can deliver the standard, you can think about whether you can sell your photos:

Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash

1 year ago
Reply to  Marco892

No, forget it. Who should be the target group for this photo?