Is it possible to fly into the Stratosphere?

Hi, my boyfriend and I are wondering if it's possible to fly into the stratosphere in an airplane. I say it's not possible. But my undereducated friend (vocational student, unemployed) claims it could be done with any airplane in the world. What do you think?

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1 year ago

Well, the stratosphere begins at an altitude of 8-18 km depending on the region.

There are aircraft that can fly up to a maximum of 3-4 km. This applies, for example, to most private small aircraft with piston engine.

So no, you can not fly with every plane in the stratosphere.

Has nothing to do with opinion, but with facts and logical conclusions. Incidentally, you don’t need a special level of education… you should be embarrassed if you have reached a certain level of education without knowing that there is something like Google and Wikipedia.

1 year ago

Why don’t you just sit on the net and googize a nice type of aircraft and its maximum altitude, or better the altitude records? And so that it becomes waterproof, still the dimensions of the stratosphere.

1 year ago
Reply to  treppensteiger

That would be too easy. In addition, the facts are exaggerated, but they are rather believed in the social media.

1 year ago
Reply to  NaIchHalt09

social media? Are those without comment function? (including televisions)

1 year ago

The need for a 18km flight altitude near the Equator and 8km near the pole. Close to the pole, all major aircraft already create, near the equator, most combat jets and high altitude reconnaissance. The altitude record for self-starting aircraft is currently 37,650m with a Mig 25.

1 year ago

this went with every plane in this world.

He’s hoping he doesn’t have to take the evidence. How will he fly with all the planes in this world? Only then would the proof be that it works with every plane.

1 year ago
Reply to  10tel

Booah. You are so funny!

1 year ago

The manoeuvrability of the aircraft decreases at greater heights, since the air density is lower here. This is a security risk. In addition, the jet streams are generally charged with air traffic, as they ensure less energy consumption. The jet streams are located at 8 – 12 km altitude, in the Trophosphere.

Thus, there are combat jets that can fly significantly higher, but is not applied in reality.

1 year ago

Only a few aircraft can fly in the stratosphere. The Lockheed U-2the M-17 Stratosfera and SR-71 do it.

1 year ago

Yes, military and researcher.