Mit “falschen” Leuten auf Veranstaltung?
Kennst du ebenfalls das Gefühl, durch den Begleitungspartner, nicht alles auf einer Con oder Veranstaltung gesehen zu haben?
Wir waren auf der Gamescom. Meine Begleitung wollte eher gehen, weil er sich was zu essen bestellt hatte. ‘ Ich wollte länger bleiben und mehr stände besuchen, jedoch war er gelangweilt nachdem wir den Genshin Stand besucht hatten. (Er spielt irgendwie nicht anderes.) Für ihn war es genug.
Ich bin mit ihm mitgegangen, weil mein Akku leer war. In einer Fremden Stadt mit leeren Akku, ist ziemlich arg.
Hattet ihr ebenfalls solche Erfahrungen auf Veranstaltungen?
Yes, it had a similar experience. Also at Gamescom. My ex and I had tickets, was actually planned to take the train. Then his brother came, who also wanted to go, but he wanted to go by the car. So it was a disaster, as we needed twice as long by car due to traffic jams and parking searches and, in my opinion, too late. I didn’t hear it was bullshit with the car if the train ticket is included in the ticket.
At the Gamescom, it was more boring. You couldn’t really move my ex to try it out, or even I couldn’t get it because you just didn’t get that time for it, because it was still shy. At the end a lot too early, because his brother wanted to go home. By the way, if I had left alone, he would probably have been mad. I complained, but it didn’t do anything. It’s all right.
It was sometimes a bit difficult on other Cons, but as never before.
Meanwhile, I’m going to meet some people at conventions. We also have different interests, which we perceive independently of each other. Even if you get an accommodation together, we still do what everyone is interested in and you will meet in between when something is common or something. It works fine and without any complications.
At such prices, I would just like to see NEVER a stand.
On the one hand, I wouldn’t make the mistake with a smiling cell phone battery, then I would take my power bank, of course, food and drink, previously inquired WER, WO stands and WAS is important to me and the accompaniment of it. This creates a rough schedule.
Furthermore, terms of Öffis are not a foreign word and there are (Oh miracles) right in front of the Gamescom.
The statement: I ordered food among other things suggests an intent, which makes a demolition worse for such reason.
EBEN! It’s a big event! With the phone battery was my fault. That’s a lesson to me.
It seems to me that my buddy was looking for a way to leave the fair.
Next year I will take several days and another partner. (He who might be more interested in games)
Was there any experience with you?
Approach. Was the LoveParade in Dortmund. Had acquainted that ne girlfriend had with it. But only because of her, she came with her, and went like seven days of rain weather. Even at the mucke, he didn’t really enjoy it.
I think she’d be the best, but she’s not.
I can also fully understand the appearance of both ladies.
Haha, you’re horny. (Ironieoff)
She had the corner of her mouth on the ground when she got out of the train with her girlfriend.
Yeah, I couldn’t cheer her up, but a mirror shows me how I am. So I should have looked like 7-day rain weather myself.
I tried several times, she didn’t want to end.
you have depressed them and can’t get them in the mood. the mirror reacts to you, it reflects you
So I was depressed and she just showed me?
depcimated mood comes through you. are your spies
I didn’t get into her a few times but there was no mood swing to tear 🤷 ♂️
People who talk all badly and make a depressing mood are also quite annoying..