Mit einem Auge etwas verschwommener sehen als mit dem anderen, was könnte es sein?


ich bin mittlerweile etwas überfordert, da ich das Gefühl habe, etwas verschwommener mit einem Auge zu sehn und das plötzlich. Ich war auch vor einem Monat beim Arzt, die meinten alles passt, aber wenn ich meine Symptome nachlese, steht meistens das es auch ein Augeninfarkt sein kann und ich habe leider sehr Angst davor. Wann kommt es zu einem Augeninfarkt? Kriegt man das auch schon in jungen Jahren also mit 20 Jahren oder ist sowas unüblich in diesen Jahren?

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1 year ago


possible, an eye is too dry, is too little moistened – this can already lead to blurred vision.

What doctor were you with?

1 year ago
Reply to  asssseeee000

Why did you use an eye ointment? From whom is it prescribed and above all for what?

1 year ago

Maybe I shouldn’t have used the ointment.

Well… I would never put anything in my eye if it wasn’t from the eye doctor pre-ordered. As I said, wait tomorrow, and either you go to the optician for a vision test or an ophthalmologist and let your eyes look medically.

I wish you good improvement.

1 year ago

I gagled after that.

Dexagent-Ophtal eye ointment is applied at:

Infections of the front eye section with gentamicin-sensitive pathogens, for example bacterial inflammations of the conjunctive skin, cornea—without epithelial defect—and of the eye rim which have a strongly inflammatory reaction. Allergic, superinfected inflammations of the conjunctiva and of the lid rim.

So you have a disease of what is shown here for the use of the ointment. Okay.

Then it’s not a miracle that you can see blurred, because the ointment has to spread on the surface of the eye, which is done by some eyelids.

1 year ago

At your age, an eyewitness is very rare.

Please don’t ask Dr. Google, you’ll always see the worst.

Go to the optician and let your vision measure, probably you just have a misunderstanding.

The eye doctors often no longer measure the visual strength.

1 year ago
Reply to  asssseeee000

This can also be a consequence of the infect and that the eye needs time to regenerate. The eye is weakened by the infect.

I’m going out of that the ophthalmologist has prescribed you the ointment.

Make sure you drink enough water in your body, your eye also dries out and you can see it blurred.

1 year ago

I don’t know. The eye is a very sensitive organ. Wait as it is tomorrow, and you still see blurred, then do what suggests you: vision test with the optician.

1 year ago

…from my family doctor….

No offense: I wouldn’t just stick around my eye and smash an ointment if I wasn’t even with the ophthalmologist who at least told me his Diagnosis would call.