Mit eigener App geld verdienen?

Hallo ich bin grade dabei eine App zu programmieren bei der ich das gefühl habe das ich etwas großes erschaffe. Eventuell kann es eine sehr bekannte App werden werden.

Nun brauche ich Hilfe beim Design bei ein paar anderen Dingen und habe vor mir Hilfe zu holen. Meine Sorge ist ich kenne dir Person nicht und habe Angst das sie mir meine App klaut und es für die eigene App verkauft.

Jetzt meine Frage:

– Macht es sinn ein Patent anzumelden und in wie fern bin ich dann geschützt

– Wie viel kostet ein Patent?

Und nochmal zu einem anderen Thema:

– Wie viel Geld verdienen ich ungefähr mit Werbung wenn 5 Million Menschen meine App installieren würden und sie aktiv benutzen (also täglich 30minuten)

– Ich habe oft gehört das meta die Daten der Benutzer verkauft, aber machen die damit überhaupt Geld und wie könnte man denn Daten verkaufen bzw wer kauft Daten? 😅😂

Freue mich auf eure Antworten


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10 months ago

There are no patents on software in Germany. Maximum a design/brand protection would be possible.You can find on the pages of the DPMA, there are also the costs for a patent attorney for the application.

You can Google make you appreciate what the in-app advertising pay when you include their advertising in your apps. At 5 million active users in a game for Android in Europe, coming to $70000 a year. Of course, you have to tax the revenues, as you go back to the tax office for 30-50%.

User data is used to target the region, age, gender, interests, etc., to display advertisements that interest the user. For such use of data, however, you must explicitly obtain consent from users in Europe (GDPR).

PS: If your app is not just a game that only pulls off on children/young people, offer an ad-free payment variant.

10 months ago

Now I need help with the design with a few other things and I need help.

If you need help, keep looking for a free UI/UX designer or let you be advised by an advertising agency. Both, of course, require funding, as neither Freelancer nor Peanuts agency are active.

Does it make sense to register a patent and how far am I then protected

As you have already been properly answered by , patenting software in Germany is not possible. However, there is the possibility of design and brand protection (keyword: Design).

If you intend to both, i.e. both service for the purpose of UI/UX design as well as requesting a taste pattern including patent law lawyer, you are already a good rod – before you have earned anything with your app at all.

How much money do I earn about with advertising if 5 million people would install my app and use it actively (thus 30 minutes daily)

It depends on the advertising (e.g. Google AdSence) and, first of all, should evaluate whether the switching of advertising does not harm yours. What use short-term revenue if the user numbers break in?

In addition, there are also legal rules and regulations (GDPR) which must also be taken into account. As a result, even if the user has not explicitly agreed to such data use, it will not earn anything at all.

I have often heard that meta sells the data of users, (…)

These data sets can be used, among other things, for targeted advertising. This data can also be used to create entire behavioral profiles that can then be useful for advertising or other purposes.

10 months ago
Reply to  medmonk

However, there is the possibility of design and brand protection (keyword:Design).

Just a little hint about how to avoid confusion, the “taste pattern” has been called “registered design” in Germany for several years.

ANNEX DPMA | Design protection

10 months ago
Reply to  DerGrafDuckula

Thanks for the hint and the renaming also sounds more harmonious. In the case of taste patterns always thought of bakers who bake a standard cookie.

LG and beautiful weekend, medmonk

10 months ago

In addition to the other answers, you should first inform you about data protection and data security before talking about data sales. If you want to transfer/store personal data from the user, you also need to encrypt them properly/protect them from hacker attacks. In addition, you must also observe the GDPR. Please don’t change the user data easily.

In addition, PlayStore and AppStore set some requirements that the app needs to meet to be offered there. Of course, you can also offer your app outside stores, but then it will probably not be so successful. For example, the PlayStore guidelines explicitly state that you cannot sell user data. Here is the complete overview: You can find the point for data sales under “Data Protection, Deception and Abuse of Devices” -> “User Data”

Instead of a patent, you could formulate a secrecy agreement and sign it from the person you’re helping.

10 months ago

With a patent on it, no one can make an app that looks as similar or exactly as yours because you are the one who created this dising and the app

10 months ago
Reply to  Tascha1920

Who you have a patent on it is not allowed to steal from you because it belongs to Dan

10 months ago

people who make ads buy data.

10 months ago
Reply to  Tascha1920

depends on which data and how many