Mit Ehemann neu Anfangen?
Folgendes Szenario… Ehemann oft betrunken, teils handgreiflich, Schwiegermutter im Haus. Die Hochzeit war übereilt. Dann Trennung. Eigene Wohnung der Frau mit gemeinsamen kids. Der Kontakt blieb durch die kids. Schwiegermutter Weg. Er seit 1 Jahr Abstinent. Hilft, wo er kann. Die kids lieben ihn. Würdet ihr ein Neuanfang wagen?
I think this decision is entirely up to you. No one knows what you feel and what this experience has done with you and what you have felt and/or still feel.
Personally, I think who comes to the idea of hitting with or without alcohol, that kind of thing is in his being. I would never trust such a person again. Like I wouldn’t believe a liar anymore, even if he spoke the truth.
Of course you can’t compare it with each other. I just mean that I could never completely exclude a repetition and I wouldn’t want to live with such thoughts in the future. So if I were in your situation, there would be only a clear NO for me.
Life is already more complex than 4.5 info
So… no idea?
Great decision… should be well thought.
But only because of the children… definitely no.
There is also feeling
If you are sure this feeling has nothing to do with dependence… it would certainly be a plus point
But quite honestly… if he used to be more handsome…
It’s an absolute no-go
And another No Go and definitely no excuse
Imagine her coming back together and he starts drinking again…. And then the excuses… is just an exception blah blah
All you need to know but fear will always play along
That’s why. Can only say it was always drunk
With some it works
in some / i.d.R. does not work
Just read to “…partly handcuffed.”, then my desecration was clear.
Disconnect as fast and as complete as possible from this man!
We’ve been separated for 1.5 years.
The separation was the only correct step at that time, and perhaps this separation made him realize his loss. A new beginning holds the considerable risk that he will fall back into old behaviour patterns in stress situations (and they will come in desperate need).
You should critically ask yourself in a quiet hour, “Are there still feelings for him who are worth living up?”, only if you still feel something, biting for him I would consider a restart.
Just because he is no longer a problem and the children love him (toll, really good for him, the love of children is unconditional and IMMER honest), you should not enter into a relationship with him again.
If there wasn’t such a youth office / job center you could say… We’ll try it. First isolated living. Before making nails with heads again. And pull together. For your own safety. Unfortunately, it is to be announced. Is one in a relationship (currently rather not), how often the other takes care of the kids (together some company, what counts there?), it is difficult to explain. We are economically separated.( Of course he buys the kids an ice cream.
If he’s proven to you that he’s changed.
Then you could get a new start.
The handsome, so he beat me drunk… It’s the problem. He has proven himself over 1 year now
Yes, and the question is whether you have forgiven him, can trust him and still have feelings for him.
And you’re sure this never happens again.
As Nikki says, you have to want the relationship, not your kids.
Excuse me. Forget it. There was a lot wrong. I could imagine… To be old with him. The alarm bells remain