Mit EF nur 1-3 Monate weg?

Hallo ihr Lieben,

Ich überlege mir, ob ich ein Auslands-“Jahr” machen soll… Hat jemand von euch Erfahrung mit der Organisation EF und weiß, ob man da auch nur so 1-3 Monate weg kann? Ich weiß nicht, ob mir 6 Monate nicht zu lang wären…

Danke im Voraus!

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1 year ago


a stay abroad is a good idea. For your questions:

  • What depends on whether you want to go to the USA during or after school time
  • In addition, the question is whether there are visas, as explained above.
  • when you want to go to the USA
  • Whether EF offers the desired period for deiene. You can only ask for this directly at eF

Generally, the question is what your goal is. The purpose of staying abroad for young people is to get to know country, culture, everyday life and language well. You don’t get to know that in 1 month. Then you can make a vacation trip to the USA.

Procedure The stay abroad is in any case a larger project. You should prepare the year systematically. There are

An overview of the tasks of the exchange organisations and how to find the best provider this blog post

Best regards

1 year ago

There is no visa in the USA for 1 to 3 months.

The J-1 visa is issued for 5 or more months.

That’s better. It doesn’t cost less if you stay less long.

If you can stay for 3 months, you can also make 5 months. school student/

1 year ago

Dear Emily, I can only say that I book a stay abroad with EF for the second time. Mostly, I can actually recommend a direct call.
The team is very sweet and helpful. You can also find a lot on the website.

Just trust!

1 year ago


last year I made a language trip (3 weeks) with EF in San Diego.
For EF, language travel is possible from 2 weeks to 24 weeks. From 6 months this is considered a language year.

I highly recommend EF:)

If you have any questions, you can write me about Instagram. (@lunabonk)