Mit dem Traktor auf der Straße parken?
Hallo, ich arbeite neben meiner Ausbildung selbständig in der Landwirtschaft als Betridbshrlfer. Ich musste weil mein Auto in der Werkstatt war für 3 Tage einen Traktor vor unserem Haus auf der Straße parken.
Nun haben sich die Nachbarn beschwert, obwohl er nichts und keinen behindert.
Wie ist das rechtlich, wenn der Schlepper mal vorübergehend 2-3 Tage auf der Straße parkt?
It’s not a problem. Regular but very good.
§ 12 Abs 3a StVO:
With motor vehicles with an admissible total mass exceeding 7.5 tonnes and with trailers of motor vehicles exceeding 2 tonnes, the total mass is within closed locations
theRegularParking is prohibited from 22.00 to 06.00 and on Sundays and holidays.
Okay and how about the temporary one? There were two nights he stood there.
It’s okay. Regular is not okay.
Both are not clearly defined terms legally. 2 nights in succession can be rated as regular as well as temporary/placed.
I personally would not consider it a regular 8m context.
And to your neighbors, you’re glad they seem to be dazzling. What would you do better to kill the time than to get rid of his fellow human beings with scars if you don’t have any other problems in life? 🤦
Up to the neighborhood. Always vigilant and always endeavors, only not with your own mistakes. 😉
These two nights are, I think, legally temporary.
You don’t have a driver’s license to drive the tractor privately and to park it in front of the “private front door”.
The argument that you only did this because you didn’t have a car doesn’t count in that point.
You could have taken another mode of transport to get to work.
Find the mistake.
So as good as anyone who only has the T appearance, that’s going to turn it off.
What’s up? I just drove for agricultural purposes…
Only because others do this with the T-Schein is that still not justified and correct and the ride is insured.
What agricultural purpose does it have when you drive home?
The agricultural purpose is eliminated at the moment when you make the private journey home to you.
I agree that your actions are logical and rational.
But from the legislature, your journey home is not an agricultural activity, but a private journey. And so your permission to use the tractor does not apply.
Be glad nothing happened. This is a good reason for insurance.
In my case it was that I only drove from A-B and transported slurry and fermentation residues (in the two days, in the evening independently after my main work). I had to leave the barrel on another farm, then I drove home instead of parking the tractor on the farm, so that I was able to get rid of director again the following day. Where there is no agricultural purpose, I don’t understand… It would simply have been an unnecessary detour to the court.
I’m not talking about parking, I’m talking about driving. From farm home. Doesn’t have a LoF deck. So you’re driving without a driving permit.
The same as when I park him at the court. He’s just in another place.
You can park
It is questionable, however, if the tractor has a green number plate, whether car replacement is an agricultural activity for work.
Black license plate, all right.
The tug has a black license plate, but still I can only drive it for some purpose, because I only have the T driving licence.
But he wasn’t a car replacement I was just driving for lof purpose, I just didn’t park him on the farm, but at home because I didn’t have a car.
Parking is not a problem.
However, the journey from the farm to your address.
The risk of pathways is not agricultural activity.
Doesn’t it matter if he’s parked in the yard or in front of my door?
No, because he can’t be used to drive to work.
The way home is not an agricultural reason.
You can drive to the yard, but not home privately, if it’s a way to leave the tractor standing by the barrel.
These construction sites are only interesting in an accident.
In my case it was that I only drove from A to B and transported manure and fermentation residues (in the two days, in the evening independently after my main work). I had to leave the barrel on another farm, then I drove home instead of parking the tractor on the farm, so that I could get rid of the barrel again on the following day. Where there is no agricultural purpose, I don’t understand… It would simply have been an unnecessary detour to the court.
Neighbours can sometimes be weird. You have to be able to ignore that.
Who did they complain to? And what exactly did they bother at the stake?
They’re with my parents. I only believe that it is a treasury. Especially their camper often parks outside.
I hope your parents didn’t deal with the bullshit either.