Mit dem Hessen Ticket von Hessen nach Rheinland-Pfalz?

Hallo Leute ich habe eine Frage:

Ich wollte demnächst auf den Jahrmarkt in Bad Kreuznach gehen (Rheinland-Pfalz) wohne aber in Wiesbaden (Hessen). Könnte ich denn jetzt mit dem Hessen Ticket dahin fahren oder bräuchte ich noch ein Ticket zu kaufen?

P.S. Ich wollte mit der Bahn fahren.

Danke im Vorraus!

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7 months ago

Good afternoon!

So if you want to drive from Wiesbaden to Bad Kreuznach, and still need a day card, I can recommend the day card from the RNN. It costs €23.60 and is even cheaper than two single tickets (like haha). Or if they drive with several people, the group day card. See picture:

Alternatively, buy a Rheinland-Pfalz daily ticket at €28,00. She is also valid in Wiesbaden. This allows you to drive from Wiesbaden to Bad Kreuznach, and you can also use the means of transport (e.g. bus) in Bad Kreuznach!

For personal advice, and how to buy these tickets, please write to me.

Best regards

7 months ago

you need natural additional ticket then in the rule, from the border

7 months ago

No, this is not possible (other federal state). You should use a “Quer – through the – country” ticket. If you’re still a student, there are even discounts. Find out at the station desk or via the web site directly.

Good ride and fun!


7 months ago

Please only search the connection normally in the travel destination. If a traffic connection ticket is offered, the easiest way could be (optionally 24h ticket wg. Return or something.

In the details is how far the ticket goes to the neighbouring state.

Ggf. QDL (for details see how valid from how much clock and which means of transport) or book D-ticket very timely (which may be subsidised by the federal state for certain groups of persons) and cancel again.


7 months ago

You could drive to Rüdesheim with the Hessenticket and then buy a ticket for Rheinland Pfalz or make a ticket without notice and drive the 5 km black, which I do not recommend here.

7 months ago
Reply to  steefi

From Rüdesheim to Bad Kreuznach there are significantly more than 5 kilometres.