Mit dem Fahrrad zur Schule (32 min/12km)?

Meine Mutter ist dagegen aber ich würde gerne mit dem Fahrrad zur Schule fahren. Die Strecke ist 9 – 12km lang und man kann sie in 32min bewältigen (laut Google Maps). Sollte man da mit dem Fahrrad fahren, oder lieber 45min mit dem Bus.

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2 years ago

Whether the time data of Google fit for oneself, you have to know yourself. Google doesn’t know if you’re a fast or slow cyclist! If you do not know that you generally need about as long as Google calculates, then you should first in your own interest try outhow long you really need for the track.

In addition, I strongly advise you to review the route that Google proposes for meaningfulness again. Google likes to send cyclists over the busy federal road, even though 100 m is also a good road. No person who wants to get alive would prefer the Bundesstraße in professional traffic.

If these two points are cleared, it would be too stupid to take the bus. If cycling is not only more pleasant and healthier, but also goes even faster on top… You can only win. If there’s a storm on a day, you can take the bus.


You may also be able to escape the one or the other objection of your mother if you indicate that you don’t have to drive on the road between the cars, but 90% of your route leads through cycle paths and field paths;)

2 years ago

I would like to see the route on Openstreetmap again with both (OSRM and GraphHopper) variants for cyclists. Google is like RedPanter said sometimes suboptimal. Otherwise, I would definitely drive the route by bike. Good half hour instead of 45 minutes by bus, I don’t have to think about it for long. Cycling is healthy, fun and awake.

2 years ago

I had to get through at the time.

Good for me. First physical effort. Then as a child learn to move safely and then I was never sick. Not with snow.

Only I don’t know the counter arguments.

I had to get out of the house at the school bus at 6:50. That was 7:10. I had only half of my way. Besides, if I leave for 5 minutes late, I arrive 5 minutes and not 60 minutes later.