Mit bootfähigem USB Stick Windows 10 auf HP Laptop installieren – Boot Menu – weshalb wird der Stick nicht angezeigt sondern das?
Laptop: HP Probook 640 G5
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Laptop: HP Probook 640 G5
Vielen vielen Dank
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for the first time the bios had to open for it each device has its own button can have aftergooglen device names yes
b you have pressed the button directly at the start and are in the bios looking for a list where all disks and drives are listed, so at least one usb and a hard drive should stand with their model name
now the usb has to stand in place or you start it manually.
set it to place one you still have to save the bios has top right mostly ne display with which button that goes, then it starts new or should it and it should run.
Thank you. Do I have to change this at UEFI Boot Order or Legacy Boot Order?
search time boot from file cred can then select the usb if ned go back
the win 10 used uefi
Found boot from file… only the USB stick is not recognized, but I think it’s broken, tomorrow must be a new one on which I install the installation wizard of Windows 10.
Thank you.
you I also just test all the options by, each bios is different, so you have to look
Where is this list where all disks and drives are displayed?
You need to change the UEFI Boot Order.
Go into your BIOS settings in the boot section. Then you can change the order.
It should be something with USB boot device. Put that on top. Then it should go