Mit Ballett angefangen, wie lange dauert es bis ich auf spitze tanzen kann?
Hi ich tanze seit bisschen mehr als einem Monat jetzt Ballett. UND ICH WEIß DAS ICH NOCH SO MINDESTENS EIN JAHR ODER LÄNGER WARTEN MUSS. Aber wie lang in etwa wenn ich sehr schnell alles lerne?
Rule of thumb: 3-4 years with regular training 2-3x per week over 90min. Then also only if technology, force and placement are present and the physical conditions are correct.
Hands away from schools that want to put you on top after a few months. Most common argument: strong feet…. they don’t bring you anything if the cartilage tissue had no chance to adapt.
As you said, you need a few years before you can dance on top I started with 10 and took 4 years, ask your teacher but you don’t start with top before 12.
Tips to get better.
When you go home after the ballet with muscle cats, you do everything right.
Don’t buy any lace shoes so you can practice what you can do, however, are leg and belly workouts.
Repeat exercises at home and stretch
I was damned unthinkable until a year ago so I started to see myself every night, although it took me a long time, but after three months I could get on both sides of a spade, which already makes a good impression.
LG Anouk
Oha cool