Mit anderen essen gehen aber selber nichts essen?


würdet ihr es unangenehm finden, wenn man mit anderen essen geht aber selber nichts isst gegenüber dem Wirtshaus? Habe nämlich eine Essstörung und würde nur etwas trinken..

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2 years ago

Hello a mixed salad plate always goes, or Spätzle and sauce

2 years ago

Eating is consumption. Everyone is allowed to consume only one drink in a dining room. Nothing’s wrong. It’s not a heat room.

2 years ago

Hey, a friend of mine at that time had a magnificence, she’s eaten as well as never before. When we had dinner together, she had ordered a drink. It was okay for us because we respected it. But it’s time to ask if she doesn’t want to eat anything. That’s your decision, it’s not unpleasant to the host house!


2 years ago

Well, if 5 people sit together in a restaurant and one of them doesn’t order food, I would assume that the host people will accept it without a flag. Maybe not stick to a glass of water all the time.

In a pub or similar it should not be a problem anyway.

2 years ago

Then order at least one small thing

B a sausage

something you can pack in and take home

2 years ago

I don’t care about the host, MICH would disturb it because I find that uncomfortable.

2 years ago

I did a couple of times, don’t think it’s bad

2 years ago

…can mention your eating disorder to the others so that they can

are not surprised if you don’t order food.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grotiux

…isn’t funny at all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grotiux

Why should it, then you just say you’re gonna have something to drink.