Mit 38 Jahre und 46 Jahre bei seiner Mutter leben noch peinlich?
Ich kenne ein Bekannten wo die Mutter zu gutmütig ist und gesundheitliche körperliche probleme hat,
Ist das eure Meinung nach Frech wenn man indem alter noch bei seinen Eltern wohnt zwei Geschwister die Mutter ist fast 70 und kümmert sich um alles ist das eure Meinung nach frech vorallem wenn die zwei sich kaum kümmern die Mutter noch alles macht essen macht Wäsche und alles drum und dran Einkauf was ist eure Meinung dazu?
Hi, Thomasolaf.😊
In this case, as you described, this is not embarrassing…….
It’s embarrassing that there are two more siblings who don’t care at all.
This is not just embarrassing, but sad………
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Thank you very much. Greetings, by tomorrow, Renate. 😊
There’s something wrong with the mother. She should move to a friend for a month without much to do, or make longer vacation. When it comes back, it speaks with the “Jungs” and distributes the work in the house and the financial expenses.
Naughty isn’t it, they only use what is laid before them. Maybe the mother used to benefit from it, or she couldn’t let go; there are both sides. And no, I don’t want one of the two men as a partner.
I don’t really think so. It’s unusual. Of course, it asks why this is so. I know a fifty-five who lives in a small attic apartment in his parents’ house for his life. He has no kitchen there, which is why he cooks and eats together with his parents. I certainly could not do this, but obviously there seems to be an enormous family bond there (above my eyes). That’s what it’s like. Kindly, not to say asocial, it will be when someone wants to play partout the whole day computer instead of working, and therefore the parents are so on the pocket and these allow. Then it’ll be silly and I can’t understand the parents.
lg up
also here it is so that it only concerns the matter concerned and not the neighbours or colleagues or anyone else
I am a good friend of the mother what is your opinion on this
It is also a matter of mother and children and no one else
If you live there as an adult, and you don’t help anything, that’s bad. Especially when the mother has physical problems. Then I hope that the at least good money will be spent so that she can get help. Or are the siblings disabled?
But the family must actually know that for themselves. It’s just MY opinion.
Yes Money they also spend everything and give Nix to mother
Sorry, but there was a lot wrong with the mother. At the latest from the time when the children became full-year and completed their training.