Mit 23 ungeplant schwanger?
Guten Morgen 🌞
Ich (23 in Ausbildung) habe am Donnerstag ( 7.9 ) einen Schwangerschaftstest gemacht aufgrund meinen körperlichen Beschwerden. Dieser ist überraschend positiv geworden obwohl ich an PCO leide und es jahrelang hieß ( Sie können auf dem normalen Weg nicht schwanger werden)
Ich hatte 2021 eine Eileiterschwangerschaft diese operativ entfernt wurde. Dann kam Monate später durch den Tod meiner Oma und Mutter eine Angststörung dazu und ich könnte monatelang bis vor kurzem keinen Sex aufgrund dieser Angst haben. Dann hatten mein Freund und ich letzten Monat einmal Sex und ich war schwanger ( niemals hätte ich damit gerechnet)…
Jetzt bin ich in 5+2 und wie schon geschrieben geht es mir körperlich sehr schlecht und ich kann kaum was essen ohne das mir übel + schwindlig wird. Auch habe ich ein Ziehen im Unterleib und ständig das Gefühl ich müsste auf Toilette + flüssigen Stuhlgang ab und an.
Ich bin total verwirrt kann nicht klar denken und frage mich ob ich bereit dazu bin ein Kind großzuziehen da auch der Vater überhaupt nicht in Freude über diese Nachricht ist. Er hat mir totalen Stress gemacht und mein Bauch fängt in so Situationen zu krampfen an.
Diese Situation macht mich fertig und ich weiß nicht was jetzt das beste für mich ist. Ich dachte mir es würde helfen wenn ich drüber schreibe.
My mother could never get kids 🤷 ♀️. As you became unintentionally pregnant is not important, there is no reason to have a bad conscience.
Nobody’s ready for a kid. Do you want kids? How do you see yourself as a mother?
Men deal with pregnancy differently because they do not live with their own body. That makes much heavier, for other things easier.
He should take his own thoughts and be calm. He won’t help you if he panic. He also needs time to adjust. Let him also participate in how you feel physically and emotionally through pregnancy, even if you are not sure how you decide. He needs to experience your pregnancy.
A consultancy is also important.
Hi, talk to me. Pro-FamiliaThere will also be similar advisory bodies outside Germany. You don’t write where you live. If you are not psychic, look for support, there are certain ways to master the situation!
Good luck!
Your friend should keep the ball flat, he had sex without prevention, that’s his personal bad luck.
Turn to Pro Familia or another consultancy and to the employment office.
There you will be offered solutions. With child and with training, to need even without partner.
And how are you now after you wrote here? Often it makes you feel easier when you have written everything from your heart. And you already got some answers. How are you today? If you only know that you’re pregnant, it’s normal that you just can’t think clearly. You probably also think about the ovarian pregnancy two years ago. It wasn’t easy for you. Have you already made an appointment with the female doctor so that he confirms pregnancy and makes an ultrasound whether everything is properly done? You should be able to see a small fruit cave.
I’m sorry that your friend’s stressing you. What does he say to you? Do you live together or do you have your own apartment or live with your parents? If you’re so bad, you can go to work or do you have school? Write’ in any case again, yes.
In the end you can only tell yourself if you want a child and are willing to do so, you will surely be aware. Maybe it helps you talk to social workers about it or with your gynecologist. In your case, there are safety nautical services that can be provided to you with advice.
First time: all good for pregnancy! When your friend had sex without condom, he means he must take care of giving the chanche the child to adoption if you don’t want a child, always exists:)
You know how?
Whether the friend had a condom about it is completely irrelevant, you have sex always the opportunity to witness a child.
How else do you get pregnant? Pill Protect as good as ever, pill then protects as good as ever, condom protects as good as ever
he: not at all and she no longer