Mit 20 von Mutter rausgeschmissen, was soll ich tun?
Meine Mutter hat mich gestern rausgeschmissen, wo sollte ich mich am besten Melden? Ich habe seit August eine Ausbildung aber das reicht noch nicht um mir eine eigene Wohnung zu suchen. Außerdem würde ich von beiden meinen Eltern auf Unterhalt klagen. Meine Mutter verdient Netto ca. 2000 Euro und mein Vater ist arbeitslos weiß jemand wie viel ich dann bekommen würde?
Take a lawyer who represents you. He can tell you more about it.
By the end of your training, your parents would be dependable. However, your training allowance is counted on maintenance.
What do you have on net payback?
You live on your own, currently theoretically with the performance of parents in the month of 930 euros.
You are entitled to the child benefit of currently 250 euros if you are no longer living with parents in the household and not mined by parents. Included in the amount of child allowance.
The child allowance is fully charged to this 930 Euro and your net remuneration up to 100 Euro free allowance for training-related expenses is also included.
If you come to 930 euros or more, your parents are usually out of the maintenance obligation.
In addition, you will need to apply for a BAB – vocational training allowance at the Employment Agency with your own registration in your initial training.
In case of approval, the BAB – also on this min. 930 euros, you can find a free computer on the Internet.
Could report to the job centre and make an application for civil money and cost-saving for your own reasonable housing.
In the application, you should explain your situation in detail on a separate sheet of paper.
If the application is approved, your income would of course be calculated in accordance with the SGB – ll regulations to reduce the need.
Well, come on with the reasons for throwing out the corner.
Is it your first training or have you broken a training?
Something strange, your first thought, you want to sue your parents.
Without details, you cannot give a serious answer.
I already had a training that had broken off because the training at my mother’s company was where she forced me to do it or you would have thrown me out of it. With my father I haven’t been in contact for years since he told me that I am a bad son because I didn’t warn him that my mother wants to be with him. Now you started training at the post office that I didn’t want to start, but still haven’t missed a day. But since it is one of the most stressful jobs in Germany, I’ve been knocked out gradually after work to get down is now also legal and actually you didn’t have a problem, but yesterday you suddenly came to my room and you’re a shame and that she’s ashamed of me and said that I should take off immediately, which surprised me completely.
So, in plain language, you don’t have a dock on any training and do the training just because you’re more or less forced to see you.
Well, whether an education at the post is so stressful that you have to care for fun substances, I dare to doubt.
But is your problem, I’m afraid with a discontinued training and your behavior, your parents might have chances to pay no maintenance.
Growing would be, maybe thinking if it’s so sensible that the world just needs to turn around you or if you can adapt.