Mit 19 Jahren 60% der Ersparnisse für Auto ausgeben normal?

Bin 19 Jahre, Student verdiene 1000 Euro im Monat, wohne noch bei meinen Eltern und hab knapp 30000 Euro (Konto und Fonds). Jetzt brauch ich ein Auto und mein Traum ist ein Audi A3 8V 2.0 TDI der über 15000 Euro kosten würde. Günstiger wäre ein älterer Mazda 2 für 5000 Euro, der nur im Verbrauch teurer wäre, Versicherung und Steuer günstiger. Ich werde auch viel (Autobahn) unterwegs sein und zum Werkstudentjob pendeln. Ich bin hin und hergerissen weil es ein Traum ist aber halt über 15 Monatsgehälter kostet. Der Unterhalt wäre beim Audi auch nur 50 Euro im Monat teurer, der Wertverlust halt höher. Würdet ihr auch den Audi kaufen wenn es euer Traum wäre oder würdet ihr sagen es ist komisch ein Auto für 16000 Euro zu fahren und noch bei den Eltern zu wohnen.

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1 year ago

You have to consider how important this dream is to you.

MIR would be the money as equity for an apartment and still a two journeys significantly more value than a car.

But for me, a car is also a pure object of use, which should be practically and not totally ugly, but not so that I have a total dream car, which would be worth much more money.

So I would take the Mazda if it was still well preserved (it should be checked before every car). Or because of a somewhat newer car, but cheaper than the Audi. Especially since spare parts and co. also become directly more expensive, just because of the brand.

So my opinion is clear: take a cheap car, leave the money there and use it later smarter.

1 year ago

At the age of 19, I spent exactly 0 Euros for a vehicle as I used my father’s car. Only when I pulled out I got the old car permanently and he bought himself a new one. I was able to afford my first own car with just under 30.

But you have the money and invest it! However, this word is deposed by the car. The money is gone and you never get it again! You buy the possibility of mobility for a few years. And this may be quite different (e.g. leasing, car subscription, car sharing etc.). But if you need your Audi as a status symbol, please!

1 year ago
Reply to  Autohaus111

However, there are also enough alternatives that are cheaper than your Audi and still have good and long rides and are not already more loud at 120.

1 year ago

Congratulations- 1000 euros merit as a student. After 47 years of full employment as a security worker (Wachmann) at the Englishman last, now .1310 euros gross. As a pensioner, I am somewhat satisfied because my wife also gets 400 Euro reindeer. I also have a savings account of about 3000 euros. I also pay rent.In your place I would buy the car, you still live with your parents.

1 year ago

It’s just a matter of priorities.

If you’re worth it, do it.

But remember that you would like to move out sometime and the start capital for your own apartment is significantly lower.

ABER: A cheap car does not necessarily have to be better. If you’re in bad luck, you’re allowed to clean 5000 Euro repairs and whether it’s worth it? Then it’s better to get something in between, for 15,000 euros, solid annual cars from the dealer with warranty.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolajamo

15,000 euros an annual car…but certainly not with Audi

1 year ago
Reply to  MrSlowhand129

Didn’t I say? Seat, Skoda etc…

1 year ago

What’s normal.

I would never spend 60% of my savings on a car. A car lives from 18 to 20 years (most of them already buy a new one much earlier, why always). Therefore, give out 2-3 monthly containers for a car, not 15.

But your money, your life, your dream. I wouldn’t do it, but I think it’s normal.

1 year ago

If such problems no longer have, I would fulfill my dream. What do you care who finds you funny? Is your life and an Audi at the price surely has its best years behind. Why the discussion? See that the tacho stand is really true and does not save on the cover letter.

1 year ago

New car is a good idea. But I find an A3 too small.
You have to make your own mistakes, as we all did. That’s only half of your savings.

1 year ago
Reply to  Autohaus111

With new I don’t mean new… but new to you!

1 year ago
Reply to  MrSlowhand129

But I find an A3 too small.

It’s very subjective. For decades, I never found too small. That’s right.

1 year ago

Well, normal is relative.

Young men like to be so… let’s say how it is: stupid. You can only do that as long as you live in your children’s world where you live at the expense of others.

You can do what you want, it’s not funny, but you’re encroaching on your actually gilded start to life by simply capturing this huge amount of money for a 19-year-old.

1 year ago
Reply to  Autohaus111

You see that as soon as you have to live from your own money, you’ll bite yourself in the ass. Cars are huge waste of money.

1 year ago

The car will cost you. And that’s a lot of driving.

1 year ago

I personally would be too greedy for it, I just want to get from A to B

1 year ago

I used to do it, not today.

1 year ago
Reply to  HubsiFW1SZ0

When I think about what I put in cars then🙈

1 year ago

if you want to do this next to your cost you have to wear at home: rent, electricity, internet/phone, food, clothes etc., then throw away a lot of fun at the pointless money

1 year ago

Nobody can answer that. I wouldn’t be worth it. With the 30,000 euros you almost financed your pension. Every month another 100-200 euros and you don’t have to worry about the pension anymore when you apply it to EFT as before.

But you can also make a deposit for your own apartment or your own house.

There is so much better what you can do with the money instead of buying a car.

Wait for 2-3 years until you really work and then you can afford the car anyway.

But that’s just my opinion, in the end it’s your thing.

1 year ago

If you had to touch your funds -no.

If not and it’s your dream…why not.

Of course, I can’t judge whether the A3 is a good offer. Used Audis are often quite expensive and it is the question whether you are not driving as well and cheaper with an Octavia.

Apparently, you’re fluctuating between emotional and pragmatic decision.

This -will I have- Feeling has often given up, has also been fun. You lose a lot of money.
I think you should do something slightly unreasonable in life and if it is “just” a car, why not.

Others blame each other for something like that….

1 year ago

That’s absolutely not okay. I don’t know if it’s normal with you…. Hopefully, you know the reasons as a full-year-old and Abiturient. So I trust you to know these.

1 year ago
Reply to  Autohaus111

What are you interested in… it’s about DEIN money

1 year ago

Take the Mazda.

1 year ago

If you want to let your hair eat off your head from the box, just go. I live in love instead of punching a stand-up. How much gas can you afford?

1 year ago

It’s not funny if you live with your parents.

but I wouldn’t spend so much money… you need such a big car.

1 year ago
Reply to  Autohaus111

Still a big car for a single person 😄

1 year ago

A3 is not a big car, not for a person. In addition, you are not always alone

1 year ago

A businessman is no longer a student

1 year ago

Highway = A4, the A3 is rather too small, the Mazda 2 much too small

1 year ago
Reply to  Autohaus111

In the A3 is 200 km/h certainly not pleasant, but take a few cars sample before you tell me how it is, I have already driven dozens of cars.

1 year ago
Reply to  Autohaus111

What do you think you can drive 200 on German e highways?

You’re sure you’re a student