Mit 17 schwanger + Abitur?
Guten Tag,
und zwar hatte ich in letzter Zeit ein komisches Gefühl, dass ich eventuell schwanger sein könnte. (da zum Beispiel meine Periode ausgeblieben ist und ich allgemein Übelkeit habe und noch weitere Symptome)
Daraufhin habe ich mir mal Gedanken gemacht, was ich (bzw wir) in solch einer Situation machen könnten. Nun sind mir einige Fragen eingefallen, auf die ich Antworten brauche.
1) Ich fange im September mein Abitur an (3Jahre), wäre meine Zulassung zum Abitur durch die Schwangerschaft geschädigt?
2) einige Ideen, wie ich es meinen Eltern erklären könnte?
3) Wie Lehrern und Co. beibringen
4) würde ich finanzielle Unterstützung bekommen? (ps: vater des kindes ist 19, geht Vollzeit arbeiten)
Sidenote: Ich bin mir selber bewusst, dass dieses Alter ein Kind zu bekommen nicht wirklich “toll” ist, besonders in dieser Gesellschaft usw. Aber ich bin davon überzeugt, dass ich dafür bereit bin (Abtreibung oder Adoption steht nicht zur Verfügung!)
Deswegen würde ich mich freuen, wenn ich hilfsbereite Antworten oder Kommentare bekommen könnte:))
Hello, you have the weird feeling of being pregnant? When did you think about it? How long has the period gone?
Do you have a regular cycle? From the very first period it takes about seven years until the female hormone balance is matured. As long as it is completely normal if the period does not yet come regularly and sometimes shifts. Sure, the nausea and various symptoms can already indicate, but does not have to. Didn’t you get a doctor’s appointment? Or in planning;-)
Did you have unprotected intercourse with your friend? Of course, one can also get pregnant with contraception, a 100% safety does not provide contraceptive. I’m sure you’re making a thorough thought. Many questions come to your mind….to Abitur, parents, financial support etc.
You can find out about all these topics at a good consultancy. I’ll send you a friendship request with information, see if you can find it. For today I wish you the best possible day despite the tension.
Best regards, Nelly
Take a test first. For an absence of the period there may be some reasons and symptoms such as nausea actually only come as from the 6th. Week.
You would have to interrupt the school for at least the 6 weeks before and 8 weeks after release.
But, of course, it’s very hard for a child under 1 year to find a care, so you’d probably pause for 1 year and then repeat this year.
Children’s money is up to you, even if you and the father do not live together. In addition, there are some benefits you can apply for.
That’s not true, she can go to school until she was born. How it looks like after birth she has to see herself
However, mother protection also applies to pupils. She can still volunteer if she wants to.
Thanks for your quick answer!
I also wanted to go to my female doctor and explain everything.
You can just make a test.
That’s what everyone is doing. No one is forced to stay at home. You and the school have to comply with some directives at this time.
That’s what I meant
You can make your Abitur normal, that doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant. However, it may be that you miss more often because it is not good for you, then you really have to have perseverance. Besides, the question of how you want to get it after the birth, do you have support? Who cares about your baby? If the questions are cleared, there are no problems. My sister was 19 at the time, she got married early and was pregnant but she was already in the 13 she still got her Abitur with a good cut and worked at the city. It’s possible. I’d tell my parents openly, you can’t talk much nicely. Just like the teachers, that doesn’t matter at all, they’ll notice it sooner or later. You’ll get financial support if you don’t live with your parents. I’ve kept myself very short now, best of all, if it’s to be a consultancy that knows better and explain it to you. Good luck:)
Thank you for the quick and nice answer!
You’ve helped me a lot, first wanted to go to the women’s doctor, and then I think they won’t find it so great now, but I’ll help myself with it.