Mit 1,63m Sicherheitsmitarbeiter?
Hallo, ich habe mich bei Indeed als Sicherheitsmitarbeiter beworben. Die haben auch angerufen bei mir. Die meinten ich solle mal nach einem Bildungsgutschein nachfragen wenn ich arbeitslos bin. Das Problem ist ich bin nur 1,63 m groß und er weiß das nicht. Ich habe mir aber Spezielle Schuhe bestellt Sneakers die mich 11 cm größer machen theoretisch somit sollte ich auf 1,74 m kommen. Könnt ihr mir empfehlen mit meiner Größe dort zu arbeiten?
You don’t have to have a minimum size in the security service, but a security company makes it a condition. You have to be physically fit, good if you are a martial sport or have experience in self-defense, but is not mandatory. These shoes, which make you bigger, are more of a hindrance, the danger of accident rises, because you have to stand a lot, go and run in serious cases, jump, climb, sprint or hack.
Better find another profession, for example in crafts. Your raised shoes are even impediable if you have to deal with a bigger person.
Of course, if you have Judo, Aikido or even Krav Maga on it, this helps more than a few centimeters in size. But maybe the opposite has something on it.
Many security workers are just sitting in a guardhouse. The size doesn’t matter. In addition, your small body size may even deescalate. Many men do not want to beat men that are significantly smaller than they are because that would be considered coward.
Not only edges are searched!
Go there normally.