Mit 16 Jahren schnell testosteron bekommen?


Möchte jetzt in einer Woche so viel Testosteron bekommen, wie es nur geht.

Es ist ein Selbstexperiment!!!

Ich möchte probieren Mein Testosteron auf natürliche Weise schnell zu steigern.


– Muskelaufbau

– Wachstum

-Männlicher werden

Tipps gerne schreiben.

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6 months ago

Healthy food, drink only water and very important: do not give up sugar. So no lemonades/energys/ juices or sweet stuff. The training of the “big” muscles gives a lot of testosterone – thighs and upper back. But of course not overclaiming – that goes without saying. Take care of a healthy sleep. And of course no alcohol or other drugs. How far you’re coming in a week? That’s actually a thing that’s moving for weeks and months. Especially since you are still in development with 16 and your testosterone will continue to build up. LG

6 months ago

Healthy nutrition, motor sports, martial sports training and so many things can be simply googlen

6 months ago

In every insane powerhouse.

6 months ago

Go train