mit 15 noch wachsen mädchen, wie groß werde ich?

hallo, ich werde fast 16 und bin 162 groß (w)und möchte gerne wenigstens 6 cm noch wachsen. meine mutter ist 165 und mein vater 181. ich hab die rechnerische methode ausprobiert und da kam raus dass ich ungefähr 166,5cm groß werde, stimmt das? werd ich so groß noch wachsen?

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1 year ago

Every person grows differently and there are bigger and smaller ones in your age.

You can grow until 18 years of age.

Take off with girls -6.5cm.

With guys +6.5cm to count there.

There is such an invoice the size of the mother + the size of the father then divided by 2 -6.5cm, then you have your size where will be.

165cm+181cm =346cm ÷2 =173cm -6.5cm =166.5cm

You’ll be 166.5cm tall.

Maybe you’ll be around the 170cm.

1 year ago

Girls have grown two years after their first control bleeding. So it depends on when you first got your days.

1 year ago

At 16 you grew up as a girl. There are very few who then grow.

A method of calculation does not exist, that could tell you at most a doctor after he examined whether your growth powers are closed or not.

And that you want to grow 6 cm, it’s irrelevant. You can’t influence that. You’ve already had to know with 16.