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[Bild durch die Moderation entfernt]
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At 15, you’re still in the normal range.
The normal age range for the first period is 10-16 years. The average gets it to me 12.5 years, which does not mean that you are too late or too early if you are not on this average.
Unfortunately, no one can tell you exactly when you get your first period :/
However, it is possible to find out on the basis of some questions and test whether the body is already set up. Before the first period, many look like this:
Ask your mother/ma/grand sister when they got their first period. Most of them get them in exactly this age range as their relatives.
If you have no contact with your relatives, you can also see this picture here:
Most get their first period between B2/P2 and B4/P4. Most likely it occurs at B3/P3 but can also be sooner or later.
I think you’ll get your first period in at least 2 years. May be tomorrow or next year. There is no funding and it cannot be accelerated.
If you still don’t have them at 16 you should go to a gynecologist and check it out.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
I’m not going to be certain tuning because the period sets one at a certain body weight.
a bsp.
It’s still within the frame.
Nevertheless, your age cannot hurt a visit to the gynecologist.
Everyone is different. Do you have any signs like white flux?