mit 15 entscheiden wo man wohnen will?
hallo ich bin 15 Jahre alt und habe stress mit meiner Familie seit Jahren. ich habe ihnen immer gesagt das ich mal für ein paar Wochen bei freunden wohnen kann aber die lassen das nie zu. ich will nur mal wissen ob ich mit 15 entscheiden darf wo ich wohne also ohne Jugendamt und so.
As long as you are not full-year, your parents have the right to stay .
The right of residence is part of parental care (§ 1626 i.V.m. § 1631 para. 1 BGB) and includes the right to determine the place of residence and residence of the minor child, the contact and handling of third parties, as well as the request for certain localities.
No, you can’t, you’re only 15. And if the parents want you to live at home then that’s the way.
On the other hand, it would of course be allowed to live with 15 other places than at home. If the parents agree AND the person you live with is willing to accept the education order or take over the supervision obligation
No 18 before your parents have to decide or stop the Youth Office
Your parents usually have the right to stay. So no, you can’t decide.
And in such a case, the Youth Office will certainly not intervene in your favor.
No, you can’t.
No, you can’t.
No, your guardians have the right to stay.
No, you can’t.
No, you can’t.