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6 months ago

law? Probably. Otherwise: NO.

I think you won’t get a contract. I wouldn’t even buy a bike from a 15 J. My bike store has a boy as an apprentice, estimated to be 17 years. He’s screwing around on bikes, but if a bike is to be sold, the boss jumps in.

Very expensive cars need sellers who do something. Well, they’re over 20 and they’re ready to measure. Armanian trains fit the Lamborghini.

But no children.

You can do a training at Honda or Ford and then, if you’re a grown-up, think about applying to Lamborghini. But, as I said, you must also have the necessary radiation. You have to believe you can sell such expensive cars.

6 months ago

not at Lamborghini, but at Volkswagen and then sell the bombs. Did the daughter do it by a former superior, who even got a veyron over the train… but only a key to me.

6 months ago

If they’re looking for an apprentice, sure.

But until you’re sold, it’ll take a while.

6 months ago
