Mit 14 extrem dünne Arme?
Hallo, in letzter zeit fällt mir immer mehr auf wie dünn ich eigentlich bin. Vor Allem an den Armen.
Ich esse meiner Meinung nach normal. Morgens frühstücke ich, mittags Mittagessen und zwischendurch Dinge wie Brot, nudeln, Chips… Spricht: Ich bin nicht magersüchtig oder so.
Dennoch sind meine Arme voll dünn.
[Bild vom Support entfernt]
Seit gestern nehme ich mir vor jeden Tag so ein whey Shake zu trinken mit Banane + Vanilleeis, nur um zu zunehmen (wiege zurzeit 39kg)
I used to have a school friend with exceptionally thin arms who had grown very fast and exceptionally large. Unfortunately, he was also attracted by some idiots.
He ate completely normal to plentiful, moved enough and was neither magical nor felt he was sick. He is still very slim today, but not so thin.
Maybe it’s because you grew so fast in such a short time? And, of course, the predisposition also plays a role. There are good and bad feeders.
This on the photo (that’s not you), however, looks very extreme and would disturb me. It’s not just thin, it’s really thin. In such a case, I would definitely go to the doctor to explain the causes. There could be a disease behind it.
As a medical layman, there are first malabsorbent disorders, food allergies or incompatibility.
There, the body cannot sufficiently utilize the absorbed food, and there are signs of deficiency and underweight.
Before you do not know the exact cause, I would be advised of self-therapy tests and supplements. This might even make it worse.
However, what I read out from your text (so on the edge) and alerted me is that you seem to be unable to afford a healthy and balanced diet for money. Did I get that right?
That would be a completely different problem. Especially at your age and in such a growth boost, you need enough and varied food to develop you healthy .
If that were the case and you have to save on food, I would be very sorry. This should not happen in a country like Germany. But I know that unfortunately this is not so rare…
Thank you! You’re right that the arm on the photo is very thin. Soooo thin are mine neither now but they come close.
Now I’m at least calmed. Thanks again!
I’ve had enough money like this, but I’m just 14 and I’m still going to school. I get my pocket money and that’s XD
Organic products, fruit & vegetables, muesli… Give me plenty at home 😀
That calms me.
Do you eat enough protein-rich food? (Fish, meat, eggs, mushrooms, legumes, cheese, cheese…)
Protein is very important in growth and muscle building.
If you should live vegetarian or vegan, you need to know exactly what to eat for a sufficient protein intake
In your place, however, I would not invest my pocket money in expensive food supplements.And also not in low-quality fast food or snacks
If you have a well-stocked refrigerator at home, you can always pack something on the go or cook something?
It protects the wallet and is healthier.
You’re massive in underweight. Eat regularly, get breakfast and make sports. Much success. BMI 15,20
Oh, and you really mean, you’re not mad?
Take care of your doctor…
I’ll tell you, I don’t eat a cracker the day, and I’ll eat my lunch again.
Still too thin!!
Try to count your calories. Many overweight and underweight people have a wrong idea about their calorie intake.
If you are really eating enough and still being so underweight, you should let a doctor explain this. there are several reasons for having problems with this, some more serious than others. If this does not improve and your body continues to get too little food, it can become life-threatening.
Who does not even weigh 40kg does not need to wonder that he has so thin annoying so eat a bit more
I’ll try it, but I’ll call it every day. Mc menu is not horny either. (I also don’t have money XD)
Besides, it doesn’t matter.
It looks extremely bad. What do parents say? If you don’t think you’re mad, go to the doctor and explain.
They don’t know why it is. 🙁 But first of all my mother helps me to take it.
Okay, but if you take off despite sufficient diet or do not accept, there can be a disorder of your metabolism…and..and. But the doctor usually investigates this through a large blood count.