Mit 13 alleine nach Hamburg?
Guten Abend, ich wollte fragen, wie ich meine Eltern überreden kann alleine mit einem Freund der 14 ist mach Hamburg zu fahren. Wir wohnen in Buxtehude das ist nicht Mal 20 km von Hamburg entfernt. Wir wollten mit der Bahn fahren, aber meine Eltern sagten nein. Habt ihr Ideen wie ich sie überreden kann? Bitte
I can already understand your parents the world is cruel nowadays. But why do you want to go to Hamburg?
Maybe it’s a big sister/sister you can involve. So they’re just going along?
Why do we want to go to Hamburg? This is my friend from primary school and we haven’t met for a long time and otherwise I would have to go for the birthday of the neighboring child I can’t suffer
So I understand you’d want to go to Hamburg alone? I got the question wrong.
No no my friend lives in Buxtehude and we wanted to train to hamburg
I’d offer her a deal. That you just do every xy min. Log in or send your live location to WhatsApp until you arrive or so
If the reason is the only one in the question, I am not sure.
in a comment you write that you are invited to a birthday party from the neighbor’s child. you will have said and now you don’t like it because you don’t like it
Instead you prefer to drive to Hamburg
So you’re putting your mother in a very bad situation. She has to cancel the neighbor and inevitably she has to lie to them. You can say badly, “My child doesn’t like to come to the celebration of your child because it doesn’t like your child. Instead, it’s better to go to Hamburg.”
In addition, you have to learn to stand for your promises – you can also make the trip to Hamburg another time. that does not have to be exactly the day of the Geb celebration
I understand your thing. Thank you for explaining it so much. But it was my parents smoking and my mother went to our backyard to smoke. There she met our neighbor. You talked for a second. My mother came back to the apartment and said we were invited to the birthday party of the neighbor’s child. She didn’t say it or she canceled it, we don’t know when it starts. I wanted before she invited us to the bike park old country but my parents said I shouldn’t. Thanks for the answer
What exactly could happen to you? What is more dangerous in Hamburg than in Buxtehude? What do you plan on selling drugs at night in the zoo or at night?
How about a deal? Do you activate the location sharing on such trips?
getting rights is always going to take over duties. What can you offer?
What’s more dangerous than here? I don’t know. I thought we’d eat something in Phoenix Center, or something like that, back home.
Harburg is not without! As a hamburger, I’d rather go to Buxtehude.
I don’t know what a phoenix center is, but sounds harmless to me. Ask your parents: “I need your experiences and want to learn from it. What danger could there be to you?” So turn the ban into a support. Too bad your parents don’t do it by themselves. The goal is that you learn to keep away from dangers: drugs, baptisms, beatings, knives, unwanted pregnancy and fast food. If they only prevent this with bans instead of letting you experience, your 18th Birthday is your last. I’m sure that’s not their target.
Not “surrect” but convince!
With me, that’s not a problem, you’re sure you have a phone, so you can convince your parents to reach them in an emergency. Or you do what you regularly report or share your standard.
The friend would also be a good argument, because too far it is much safer.
Your parents are right
Take your mother