Mischkonsum 2cb & xtc (mdma)?

ich wollten wissen wie der Mischkonsum mit xtc und 2cb ist. Ich weiß Drogen sind schlecht, illegal, etc. – aber wenn alles passt (setting, trip-sitter, gut gelaunt ist) und die „Safe Use“ Regeln beachtet hat, wie bereitet man sich am besten auf den Mischkonsum vor?

-Wenn man sich diesbezüglich gut vorbereitet hat, welche Substanz nimmt als erstes und in welchen Abständen? Also nimmt man zB das xtc vor dem 2cb oder andersrum? oder nimmt man beide Substanzen gleichzeitig- wenn nein in welchen Zeit Abständen?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

This combination, also known as Nexusflip, is generally considered synergistic, without being significantly more risky than the consumption of 2C-B or MDMA. In the meantime, as always with drug effects, it is highly individual as this Consumption will affect a person (→ Settings). This is already complex with individual substances and becomes only more complex during common consumption.

Although MDMA is commonly associated with fantastic states of happiness, the body chemistry is not as simple as that. Negative experiences, characterized by confusion and paranoia, can occur, especially in overdose.

There are no rules for dosage or order. There are different experiences and preferences. This also depends on what you actually want to experience (cf. the various flooding and peak times). Generally, mixing is always like treating a new drug. It is said that the dose should be substantially lower than the individual substances would be metered. Apart from this, there should be sufficient experience with the individual substances before one dares to combine them.

Problematic with drugs from the black market is always that you never know exactly what you have. This applies to both MDMA and 2C-B. There’s only one way to deal with drug checking. This is only possible in Germany at a limited time. Details here: https://www.eve-rave.org/drogen-abc/drugchecking/

General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found at the DrugScouts or here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Thanks very much ⭐

aalbtraum, UserMod Light


As I said, there are no rules for this.

2 years ago

The researchers conclude thatthe mixing consumption of ecstasy and cannabis due to the prolonged increased body temperature could have a neurotoxic effect than if ecstasy alone is consumed.24.07.2009

https://www.drugcom.de› news › m…

Consumption of THC and Ecstasy burdens cardiovascular system

Go to the link above, there you will find some information about mixed use that may be helpful for you. Take care

2 years ago

Mixing between cannabis and ecstasy can have inestimable consequences that can even become life-threatening.

Ecstasy cleanses the body and releases energy. Some take, for example, Ecstasy to dance longer at parties. Many young people sweat, but drink too little to compensate for their great water loss. They overheat their body. There can be a circular collapse.

Since ciffs have a soothing and relaxing effect among many people, some young people try to “come” from the Ecstasy Trip. Even if they feel more relaxed afterwards: the body is not relieved. The THC does not counteract ecstasy, but also claims the body.

Kiffen is not suitable for eliminating the negative effects of ecstasy as well as other party drugs. This leads to increased consumption of cannabis. This, however, only delays the necessary regeneration of the body and makes it difficult.


Maybe you can start with it.

2 years ago

The effect can extend and therefore also increase the health risk.