Mischbrot oder Weizenbrot?
Sind Mischbrote wie Roggenmischbrote gesund auch wenn da Weizenmehl drin ist? Ich möchte gerne auf pure Weizenbrote verzichten. Hin und wieder esse ich auch Vollkornbrot aber meistens Mischbrote. Sind diese gesund oder genauso ungesund wie Toast und co?
Hello soda797, 👋
Mixed bread such as, for example, rye mixed red are not
healthy … neither with, nor without wheat flour.
on wheat flour,
Dinkel extract flour, o. rye extract flour
should one – except for rare exceptions –
as far as possible.
On “pure” wheat – whole grain bread you need
not to miss, because VK-Weizen is not
unhealthy, VK-Dinkel, or VK-Roggen.
You can also make delicious whole-grained bread
bake. I always bake bread
VK-Weizen, VK-Dinkel and VK-Roggen,
You look here:
LG 🙋🏻
Neither a pure wheat bread, nor a rye or wheat mixed bread, would I call unhealthy that beforehand.
Full grain bread (including wheat whole grain bread) contains more ballasts and minerals than a classic mixed bread.
Crafty and freshly baked bread is certainly more natural and healthier than a packed toast bread with additives.
But you can vary.
All grain is a natural product and is considered a healthy food.
Hello rye mixed bread is ok because a pure rye bread, you will be so heavy in the stomach, even in a rye bread some wheat is added,