Mir wird höchstwahrscheinlich etwas zu Weihnachten geschenkt, was ich gar nicht will?
Mein Vater hört sich sonst immer an, was ich gerne hätte, oder ich schicke ihm Listen (zum Black Friday). Ich habe in diesem Jahr einen Wunsch und habe von daher meinen Papa gefragt, ob er Inspiration braucht. Dies hat er verneint. Und er weiß nix von meinem Wunsch, und ich habe eine sehr sehr starke Vermutung, was er mir schenken will. Doch ich mag das nicht, was soll ich machen?
Anyone who does not exactly share “that and that I would like to have if it can be implemented” – does not have the risk of knowing if the gift can ultimately also be matched/liked/used.
You have a wish this year… but you only asked your father if he needs inspiration. How can he know what you want? What if he “thinks” that a writing set and a perfume of otherwise would be the right gift for you now? Just because you mentioned that your current pens nix deaf and your perfume is almost empty….
You want something specific, you tell him that. Maybe he has the chance to get this.
Tell him to keep the boon well. And if you don’t agree to the gift, you’ll release it.
Tell him you suspect he wants to give you this and that you don’t like it.