Mir ist langweilig was tun?

Naja, es sind Sommerferien und ich hock grad zuhause unnnnnd mir ist langweilig. Sagt bitte iwelche Spiele die man einf. iwie alleine spielen kann oder so und bitte auch nicht so etwas wie „buch lesen“ oder „basteln“ weil Google sagt es schon genug. Danke

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latricolore, UserMod Light

Games you can play alone

I don’t know if it’s for adolescents, but I got on the computer Spider Solitary and Mahjong Titans.

What about sudoku – do you know that? I don’t play it on the computer, but there are also pages on the net.

I used to be addicted Tetris, but that may not exist anymore.

Do you like Logicals? Like
Fritz celebrates his birthday – in what order do the guests appear and what do they bring?
With the help of information à la At first, the guest – not Marie – rings who brings the beer. you have to solve the Logical.

latricolore, UserMod Light
Reply to  RaMin232

Maybe you should solve higher levels of difficulty? I am never bored;-)

1 year ago

Learn a new language, make ice or cocotails themselves, dream zimemr on or order it to watch movies


1 year ago

Go celebrate, look for a job, go out with friends, find a new hobby or a new project, go to a strange city and do something. If you look back, you will be depressed that you have asked yourself in the summer vacation, how you can best drive the time, instead of having actively lived and developing yourself.

1 year ago

Alone you can put puzzles or a patience. Play Qizz app. Dissolve crosswords. Geocatching.