Minolta dynax 7000 I zeigt Help an?
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Habe mir vor kurzem auf einem Flohmarkt für 15 € eine Minolta dynax 7000 i geholt. (Eine Film Kamera ) . Hatte einen Film eingelegt. Während dem Fotografieren zeigte sie auf einmal help an . Kann mir vielleicht jemand weiterhelfen und sagen, wie ich das beheben kann.
Danke im Voraus
Kann mir vielleicht jemand weiterhelfen?
Danke im Voraus
If you take the batteries out briefly and then the camera “forget” the film stand you have to renew the support battery in the camera.
To do this, it is necessary to separate the camera and solder it after my memory. As far as I know, the batteries stopped by 10 years from the middle of the 90s one had been tied up battery change on the work bench. Was nix new, Canon has introduced it with the T models from 1982 but with Canon here when the camera comes in for battery change is also necessary a “gross” service, with renewing the LCD Diplay. For this reason, Canon has installed the battery so that you have to screw for 15-20 minutes, then you can also put 30 minutes into the CLA and renew the display.
Under the 7000i designation, 2 cameras of different constructions were sold technically in detail, the first version up to about 1987 has a DC motor and a gear with narrow metal gears. The version is strong enough a film “to tear” or the drive is to trenches in order to be punctured at the end of the film when overloaded. That’s why the version counts as the “filling level” of the film and goes in the case of information loss in the help mode. The alpha version from 1988 has a coreless motor, an overload clutch and plastic gears and does not wear film, but the plastic wheels and the clutch are worn. If the version of the count is lost, it is simply new.
Help standing is actually a heavy film transport problem that can only eliminate one service force. Help flashing can display various problems for this, the Maxxum has a diagnostic mode. Help comes when the engine is overloaded in the working cycle, so if the film transport is too heavy. The reason for this can also be the weak power supply or other zb cold inserts.
Earlier, the diagnosis made a sign-in/read-in universal specialist in the photo business. For this purpose, the film was removed and the gear was partially separated, cleaned and freshly lubricated. Was there more work or needed spare parts the camera went to a local reperature operation or until 1999 to Minolta to Ahrensburg (the “camera clinic” at the Europa Center). As a specialist dealer, one knew the problem zones and placed wear/replacement parts on stock or bought condensers of better quality in the smallest 100 pack unit
if you have important recordings on the movie and want to save them, you can place the camera in the darkened room under the bed cover (absolute darkness required), turn off, open, patrone take out, press the unlocking right down, pull the film from the winding reel and with a coin (set on the slot of the patrone) the rest back into the cartridge. do not turn back the strap at the end!
it doesn’t matter, you can also watch all this with daylight, the movie is over.
but what is the original can only be found in a workshop. did you check the contacts in the battery if they are possibly correlated?
I speculate that this mockery is the reason that it cost only 15 €.
First thanks for the detailed answer, what do you mean to check with contacts in the battery compartment?
1-10€ is the “usual” price for cameras without a functional guarantee, so slaughter cameras for spare parts or overhaul. Consumer cameras made of plastic and electronics are designed for 10 years of service life, the professional cameras with MIL Spec Grade for 20-25 years (Because the Mil Spec prescribes. What does not mean the MILSpec has to last 20+ years without service).
Thus, in principle, all analogue films SLR are the last Canon (EOS 1v), Leica (R8, M types), Nikon (F6) and China boxes (Seagull) above their minimum design life. This is why new analogue cameras will have to be produced. Nikon zb planned to push a hybrid mechanical “F1” as a follow-up to the F6 from 2017.
Previously, there were still camera manufacturers who constructively gave the maximum possible pinched, recognizable zb on sapphire bearings or encapsulated needle sleeves. Such cameras were large, heavy, expensive (Alpa Swiss, Exakta, Leica SL, Nikon F, Contarex, Pentax K2) and can be used with regular service. Centuries work.
In principle, all electronic boxes are “dead”, sooner or later. And need a service and spare parts that have long been NML. The revision of my LXen has been underway since 2020. The last revision made a Pentaxian with OEM parts around 2005. The advantage of the LX is that is mechanical, the electronics only concern the TTL flash measurement/time automation. But I like TTL flashes or I shot myself on it.
That could be a problem with the winder. Take the batteries out and put them back in.
Did I try 1000 times doesn’t work
Battery out and back in. Well, I never would have bought this weird grke, I would have tried it with a mechanical one. Minolta SRT model or Nikon F1 or Canon A1 or AE1.