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9 months ago

Hello, desofenance you have a time window of 12 hours in which you can take it completely correctly/timely. As a result, with a delay of three and a half hours compared to the usual intake time, you are still safe and reliable further protected by your pill preparation. :

We distinguish between “minipille” and “micropille”, whereby the micropille is often referred to as normal pill. Whereas minipills all contain no proportion of estrogens, but only gestagens, micropills consist of a combination of gestagens and Estrogen, which is why they are often called “combination pills”. Minipills can be suitable for better bleeding stability, while combined preparations, i.e. micropills, are known. In terms of safety or flexibility in taking, mini and micropille are no longer taking too much. – Many very dear greetings and a relaxed, quiet weekend, Imke =)

9 months ago

The package insert does not serve the upholstery, there is ALL necessary in it, also the take-in window and what to consider in the event of errors in which week.

What is the “normal” pill in your eyes?