Minijobbler oder Honorarkraft anstellen?
Hallo liebe Community,
ich möchte in meinem kleinen Unternehmen eine Hilfskraft anstellen, bin mir nur unsicher, ob ich einen Minijobbler oder eine Honorarkraft anstellen soll.
Ist eines der beiden finanziell für mich besser?
Schonmal danke für die Antworten!
A fee would be a self-employed person with whom you enter into a service or work contract on the work to be done. You should make sure that this construct does not go beyond a self-conception! In order to create a clear distinction, it would be useful, for example, if this person works not only for you, but also for other clients. Also, the activities should be as close as possible to the fact that the person is not in any way assigned to you in the manner of execution. If you would like to choose this model, you should definitely go through it with your tax advisor in advance, so that you don’t have a legal smoothness here!
The minijob would thus probably be the better, clearer and right-wing option. This is clearly a classic working relationship. And the employers’ allowances for pension insurance and pay tax also keep the employer’s next-to-one costs within manageable limits.
This depends on
Do you need someone for longer?
Or do you need someone for a project?
What is the labour market?
Do you think you’ll find a fee?
I think your advantage with the honorary power can be that you are rolling out that the person himself is responsible for their expertise. But finding someone like that is hard I think