Minijob und Gewinn aus Krypto versteuern?

Bei einem Minijob muss man ja keine Steuern zahlen, wenn ich jetzt zusätzlich Geld durch kryptos verdiene und diese als private Veräußerungsgeschäfte versteuer, muss ich dann auch das Geld vom Minijob versteuern oder steht das außen vor?

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8 months ago

Minijobs are also taxable. In this form of employment, the wage tax can be collected on a flat-rate basis or according to the individual pay tax deduction characteristics of the Minijobber (tax classes). The employer shall determine whether the wage tax is paid to the mini-job headquarters or individually to the tax office.

If your AG is not taxed on a flat-rate basis, the income from the mini-job must also be explained and taxed together with the crypto revenues.

If the minijob is taxed on a flat-rate basis, it does not appear in the statement.

8 months ago

Yes, the money from the mini-job and the profits from crypto must be taxed separately.


Income tax free up to 522€ per month (4,600€ per year) 💸

Social security 🆓

Crypto wins:

Private sale transactions:

Free limit: 600€ per year 💰

Speculation period: 1 year ⏳

Tax: income tax on profit 💸

Income tax return Duty if the free limit is exceeded 📝

In summary:

Minijob and crypto profits are two different sources of income. 💸

The tax freedom of the mini-job applies only to the mini-job itself. 🆓

crypto profits must be additionally taxed when the free limit is exceeded. 💰


8 months ago
Reply to  odderanders

That’s not quite right.

Income tax free up to 522€ per month (4,600€ per year)

Why only € 522? The limit is 538 €.

Especially since a minijob is never tax-free. Either it is taxed on a flat-rate or individual basis according to the pay tax deduction characteristics (the choice is made by the employer).

Free limit: 600€ per year

It was last in 2023. Since 2024, the free limit is now €1,000.

8 months ago
Reply to  Giota210

Right. 👍

8 months ago

I also have to tax the money from the minijob


or is it outside?


8 months ago

A mini-job taxed by the AG must not be specified in the tax return.